Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Bernedoodles - A Complete Guide of the Breed

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16 min read


On This Page

  • Bernedoodle Dog Breed - What is a Bernedoodle?
  • History: Origins of the Bernedoodle Dog Breed
  • Variations in the Bernedoodle Dogs
  • Grooming Needs - How to Groom a Bernedoodle?
  • General Health and Care of Bernedoodle
  • Bernedoodles as ESAs
  • Interested to Take a Berneddodle Home?

Looking to bring home a new pet or emotional support animal but want a rare kind of dog? Welcome the Bernedoodles. These dogs are a cross between Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles. Being a mix, they have all the good qualities of both the breeds and less of the diseases of both of the parents.

They are clever, loyal, and love to be by your side all the time. They are bred to be companions and this makes them ideal emotional support animals also. Since the ESAs are defined and categorized by their quality and role of supporting humans with mental and emotional disabilities, Bernedoodles make a perfect fit for the role.

To know more about this breed and what makes them stand out from the rest of the dogs, follow the blog.

Bernedoodle Dog Breed - What is a Bernedoodle?

A Bernedoodle is a companion dog that is bred by crossing a Bernese Mountain Dog with a Standard Poodle. It is designed to be along your side no matter where you go or do. They are unlike the breeds that are specifically made or bred to be in the show rings.

These dogs are bred to be loyal and happy companions for people who love their outdoors and for the families that have kids.

Besides the name Bernedoodle, these dogs are also known as Bernese Mountain Poo. ‘What is the lifespan of a Bernedoodle?’ They have a life expectancy of 12 to 18 years, which makes them one of the longest living dog breeds. However, how long do dogs live depends on a number of factors like health conditions, size, and breed.

They are gentle, loving, and loyal and despite their status and reputation of being a designer dog, they make excellent emotional support animals also. Dogs continue to be the most popular and wanted ESAs. When choosing a canine, people often look for qualities like friendliness, adaptability, trainability, and the level of activity and loyalty.

Bernedoodles score quite high on all of it, which makes them one of the best dog breeds to bring home as an emotional support animal.

This breed is lucky to have inherited the good qualities of its parents; goofy, happy, and easygoing behavior and temper from the Bernese Mountain Dog and the intelligence from the Poodle. They are the happiest when they are with their human families, including kids and they love to have playtimes and cuddles with the whole family.

Since the breed is relatively new, it would be challenging to predict the individual characteristics of each dog. Sometimes the dog may have more of the Bernese qualities while at other times, they may have more Poodle in them. Either way, the Bernedoodle lovers love and adore these dogs for their loyalty, playful nature, intelligence, friendliness, and for their big heart.

These dogs are also very affectionate and love to stay around their human families. Being one of the most affectionate dog breeds for families, they make great companions for everyone who is looking for an active and loving partner.

Besides the personality, the Bernedoodles could vary and differ in their appearance also. Their coats come in different varieties like curly and wavy and it could be straight also. Other than the variety in coat, these dogs also come in different sizes and you can choose the one that is best for your household and family.

‘Is a Bernedoodle same as a Sheepadoodle?’ No, they are not. Given their striking similarities, many people think that both of these dogs are the same. However, both of these dogs differ in a lot of ways. Refer below to know about the key differences.

How much does a Bernedoodle Cost?

What is the average price of a Bernedoodle? On average, prepare to pay anywhere between $2,500 to $5000. The dogs with tri-colored coats are the most expensive ones since these are in high demand. Why are Bernedoodles so expensive? Because it is one of the most coveted dog breeds.

Rather than a high buying price, these dogs are also very high maintenance, which means that you should be ready to spend a considerable amount on maintaining these lovelies.

These dogs are highly adaptable and they make excellent family pets and ESAs for both single owners and families. Their goofy and funny personality is enough to put a smile on anyone’s face and they also love to accompany you on long walks and hiking.

History: Origins of the Bernedoodle Dog Breed

The breed is relatively new to the dog world and this is why not many people know about it. About how did the breed come into being, there are some controversies. Where some believe that the mix could have accidentally happened, Sherry Rupke of Swissridge Kennels claims to have bred the breed for the first time. The breeder says that he intentionally bred both the purebred dogs; Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle together to create this breed.

Since the breed is new and is a result of a mix of Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle, two purebred dogs, it is not recognized and authenticated by the American Kennel Club. However, the American Canine Hybrid Club, the Designer Dogs Kennel Club, the International Canine Registry, and the Designer Breed Registry recognize this breed.

Though Bernedoodles are considered and recognized as designer breeds, you will see these dogs in many dog shelters and rescue homes. Especially the shelter homes that have Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles, have these dogs also. Though these dogs are hybrids, this does not mean that you should not adopt them. They make great and loyal friends, pets, and emotional support animals.

There are several generations of Bernedoodles and each generation is a result of either the cross between the purebred dogs or between the hybrids themselves.

  • F1 Generation - A cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle

    50% Bernese 50% Poodle

  • F1b - A cross between a Bernedoodle and Poodle

    25% Bernese 75% Poodle

  • F2 - A cross between two F1 Bernedoodles

    Improper and more hypoallergenic coat

  • F2b or F3 - A cross between an F1 Bernedoodle and F1b Bernedoodle

    Consistent and more hypoallergenic coat

  • Australian Bernedoodle - A cross between a Bernedoodle and an Australian Labradoodle

    50% Bernese 50% Australian Labradoodle

Variations in the Bernedoodle Dogs

Bernedoodles come in various kinds of variations and mix and match. The parents remain the same, Bernese Mountain Dog, Poodle, and other Bernedoodles, the results could be significantly different. The dogs could be different in size, coat variations, color, and temperament.

Below, we have discussed these variations in detail.

Bernedoodle Sizes - How Big does a Bernedoodle Get?

The size of the dog mainly depends on the Poodle parent that could be either a standard poodle, toy poodle, or a mini version. Besides, the variation in size could also be a result of crossing a Bernedoodle with a poodle.

Below are some of the most commonly known Bernedoodle sizes.

Bernedoodle TypeHeightWeight
Tiny Bernedoodles12 - 17 inches10 - 24 pounds
Miniature Bernedoodle18 - 22 inches25 - 49 pounds
Standard Bernedoodle23 - 29 inches70 - 90 pounds
Medium Bernedoodle17 - 20 inches40 - 60 pounds
Petite Bernedoodle14 - 16 inches18 - 30 pounds
Micro Mini Bernedoodle12 - 15 inches15 - 25 pounds

Among the above variations, the medium, petite, and micro-mini Bernedoodles are the result of crossing Bernedoodles with poodles.

Variation in Color

Bernedoodles come in a variety of colors also. This could be because the Bernese Mountain Dog, one of the parents, has more than a single-colored coat. As a result, the dog could be of a variety of colors. Some of them are given below.

  • Tricolor
  • Bicolor
  • Sable colored
  • Phantom Tricolor
  • Parti Tricolor
  • Phantom Bicolor
  • Sable Parti
  • Merle Color

The variation could be anything and even more than what we have listed above.

Variation in Coat Appearance and Color

Bernedoodle coat coloring and appearance could greatly vary and the result could be different from each other. They could either be more Poodle like or Bernese Mountain Dog like in appearance. ‘Are Bernedoodles hypoallergenic?’ Usually, these dogs have wavy and curly coats, which makes them hypoallergenic also. Being one of the most hypoallergenic dog breeds, they make excellent companions for people with allergies also. Curly and wavy coats also do not shed a lot.

Besides wavy, they could also have straight coats. Unfortunately, a straight coat means less hypoallergenic quality and more shedding. However, no matter which type of coat a Bernedoodle has, it will be thick and help the dog in surviving and thriving in harsh cold weather. What is even more interesting is that the coat is helpful in summer also and protects the dog’s skin from the scorching heat.

Bernedoodle Temperament - Variation in Temperament and Personality

What is the temperament of a Bernedoodle?’ The Bernedoodle could be vastly different in temperaments and personalities also. Usually, they inherit all the good qualities of their parents and would be playful, intelligent, friendly, and hard-working. However, predicting what personality traits they will have would be difficult.

Sometimes, these dogs may inherit the Bernese Mountain Dog’s trait of stubbornness and may give a tough time at training. But the stubbornness fades away once they grow up. Being highly intelligent, they tend to learn and pick up commands really well. They are great with other dogs but may be skeptical about strangers, a trait that they got from their Bernese parents. However, proper and sufficient socialization will help in managing it.

They are great with other dogs but may be skeptical about strangers, a trait that they got from their Bernese parents. However, proper and sufficient socialization will help in managing it.

These dogs are high on energy levels and they do great in households where they get ample companionship and attention. To stay fit and healthy, they need moderate exercise like a long daily walk. They need it to burn energy also. Tiny and miniature Bernedoodles are ideal for apartments where there is limited space while the standard ones will need ample space to live and thrive.

Tiny and miniature Bernedoodles are ideal for apartments where there is limited space while the standard ones will need ample space to live and thrive.

Suitability with Other Pets and Kids

Are these dogs suitable for families with kids? Absolutely. These dogs make excellent family dogs and are very affectionate with kids. However, if bringing a miniature or tiny Bernedoodle home, make sure that you teach your kids how to treat them gently and with care.

They are very playful and they love to play and spend time with their human companions and families. They do well with other pets and dogs also but you have to socialize and train them from an early age. Since they are wary of strangers, they may be uncomfortable around them. To make them easy to go, socialize and expose them to other pets and humans from an early age.

Grooming Needs - How to Groom a Bernedoodle?

A Bernedoodle’s curlier coat means less shedding but it also means more hard work in grooming. They have a thick, and curly coat, they are somewhat hard to groom and you will have to brush them regularly. They shed less but it also means that there are high chances of your dog getting matted hair.

Make sure that you remove the dead and loose hair from the coat regularly. The best way of doing it is to learn how to groom your dog at home or take him to a professional dog groomer, at least after every 6 to 8 weeks.

However, your beloved Bernedoodle will need ample at-home grooming in between the professional grooming sessions. Since these canines have a heavy fur coat, they need proper grooming to keep them free from matting.

To prevent it, brush your dog’s hair at least 2 to 3 times a week and with a slicker brush.

Below is a step by step grooming guide for your Bernedoodle canine.

Inspect - Begin by checking your dog thoroughly. How to do it? Use the good old full-body stroke method to check for lumps, sores, dry patches, hair loss, or any other defect. This also helps in removing loose and dead hair and skin.

Brush - You should aim to brush your dog’s hair daily or at least 2 to 3 times a week. This will keep your dog’s fur matt-free, healthy, and shiny. Instead of using just any brush, use a slicker brush.

Bathe - Bernedoodles do not need frequent and ample bathing. Bathe them occasionally and when they get really dirty, muddy, or wet. Use a specially formulated dog shampoo and avoid using the one made for humans.

Clean the Eyes - Check your dog’s eyes frequently to look for any redness, irritation, or discharge. Use good quality grooming wipes that are made for dogs to wipe and clean your canine’s eyes.

Clean the Ears - It is better that you clean your dog’s eyes frequently and look for any abnormalities. Frequent cleaning will help in removing dirt and wax buildup that could cause irritation and discomfort to your dog. Check for any foul smell also.

Clip the Nails - Long nails could cause discomfort and difficulties in walking for your dog. Use a good quality, suitable, and the best dog nail clipper for the purpose.

Clean the Teeth - Oral hygiene is as important as overall cleanliness. Use a good quality dog toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your dog’s teeth. Besides, you can also use dental toys and grain-free dental sticks for this purpose.

Shave - Here you have two options; do it yourself or take your dog to a professional groomer. When doing it yourself, make sure that you use shaving clippers that are designed for your type of canine.

Besides, you will also need to get a new and suitable haircut for your dog every winter and summer. For this, we recommend that you take your dog to an expert dog groomer or buy suitable clippers and scissors to do it yourself.

General Health and Care of Bernedoodle

Generally speaking, Bernedoodles are healthy dogs and they are healthier than both of their Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle parents. Purebred canines, including Poodles and Bernese Mountain Dogs, usually have a lot of health issues and it is largely due to extensive inbreeding.

In the case of a hybrid canine, these diseases and health issues are limited and comparatively fewer. The breed is new and this is why there is limited knowledge and information about the health conditions of these dogs.

Bernedoodle Health Issues - What Diseases are they Prone To?

Bernese Mountain Dog, one of the parents, is prone to fatal cancer but this phenomenon is lower in Bernedoodles. Instead, these hybrid canines could be exposed to other health conditions like;

  • hip dysplasia
  • eye problems
  • skin allergies
  • hot spots
  • elbow dysplasia

No matter what breed it is, it could be prone to a number of diseases and predicting anything in this stance could be difficult. Overall, Bernedoodle is a healthy breed.

Besides the Bernedoodles, there are a number of other healthy dog breeds that have fewer health issues and get to live with you for long. All of these top healthiest dog breeds make great pets and ESAs and since they live longer than most of their counterparts, they will stay around longer to support you both emotionally and mentally.

Amount and Kind of Care

Since they are healthy, even more than their parent breeds, they may not need extensive care like many other breeds. However, they do need moderate to ample exercise to stay healthy and happy. Tiny and mini Bernedoodle do not mind small spaces but for a standard-sized Bernedoodle, you will need to have ample space to allow him to have more personal space.

They do not like to be left alone and may suffer from separation anxiety but with proper training and socialization, you can inhibit any destructive behavior. Like their Poodle parent, these dogs are very intelligent and if left unsupervised, they could learn bad habits real quick and fast. Therefore, it is important to keep up with the training and socialization. But do expose them to other dogs and humans and keep them well behaved at all times.

Besides, you will also need to provide ample mental stimulation to your Bernedoodle canine.

Dietary Needs and Recommendations

‘How much food does a Bernedoodle eat?’ The amount of food that a Bernedoodle needs depends on its size, age and level of physical activity.

On average, a toy or mini Bernedoodle will need a small to medium amount of food, about ¾ to 1 - ⅓ cups per day, based on the weight of your dog. The former will be for a 10-pound dog and the latter amount will be for a 20-pound dog.

Large Bernedoodles will need more food. For a 50-pound dog, the amount will be 2 - ⅔ cups a day while for a dog as large as 90 pounds, the amount will increase to 4 - ¼ cups a day. Consult your dog’s veterinarian to determine the right amount of food for your dog and keep an observation journal to track everything.

If your dog’s waist is visible when seeing from above then he is at his healthy body weight. If your dog’s hips are more visible then he is underweight and if your dog is having a rounded stomach with no visible ribs then it is time to cut down on the food.

In case you do not see the desired changes even after adjusting your dog’s food intake, take him to the vet.

Tiny dogs will have low dietary requirements than a standard-sized Bernedoodle. Standard sized dogs may have an affinity to eat extreme amounts of food and probably everything that you may give them. However, keep an eye on its weight and make sure that you provide ample physical activity to burn off energy and keep your dog at a healthy weight.

The best way of determining the amount and kind of food your dog needs is to consult a veterinarian. He will tell you about the best dog food for your beloved canine. In this way, it will be easier for you to keep track of your canine’s food intake.

You can have a look at the vet recommended dog food that you can give to your dog.

How Much does it Cost to Feed a Bernedoodle?

The prices differ and depend on the quality of food that you get for your dog. Premium quality food will cost more than low-quality food that has some added filters in it. On average, you will have to invest at least $250 to $700 per year in your dog’s food.

The price could increase or decrease, depending on the quality but keep this much amount in your mind when bringing a Bernedoodle pup home.

Bernedoodles as ESAs

What makes these dogs excellent emotional support animals? There are a lot of personality traits that make these dogs ideal and great ESAs. An ESA serves the purpose of supporting individuals that are suffering from mental and emotional limitations.

Some of the reasons that make these canines great support animals are given below.

  • They are gentle, loyal, and friendly
  • They have an affectionate temperament and they go well with humans
  • They are healthy and you will not have to take them to the veterinarian every now and then
  • They are physically active and playful, which means that they will help you get better physically also
  • They shed less and are perfect if you have sensitivities

When getting one of these teddy bears as your ESA, you will need to get a valid and legit emotional support animal letter. A valid letter will help you live and travel with your dog easily and without paying any extra charges.

Usually, to have a pet in the housing facility, the owner has to pay a pet fee but in the case of an ESA, you will not have to pay a penny. Since these animals are not pets and are considered as a part of treatment, landlords cannot charge anything for it.

However, ESAs are authorized for the people with disabilities only. For more information and to know if you qualify, fill the online questionnaire today.

Interested to Take a Berneddodle Home?

Bernedoodles make great pets and emotional support animals. If you plan to buy one then it's important that you first look for them at animal rescues and adoption centers. However, if you still want to buy then try googling terms like “Bernedoodles for sale”, “LK Bernedoodles”, “brown Bernedoodles for sale”, “Utah Bernedoodles”, “Bernedoodles San Diego”, “Ranch house Bernedoodles”, and “Bernedoodle for sale near me”. If you search these terms then you will surely find a beautiful Bernedoodle pup near you in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Bernedoodles aggressive?

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No, generally, these are not aggressive at all but it depends on the upbringing, training, and environment also. Due to loneliness or abandonment, these canines may develop aggressive behavior but since they were bred to be loyal and happy family companions, they rarely exhibit such a behavior.

Do Bernedoodles like to cuddle?

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Yes, these dogs love to have ample play and cuddle sessions. They are friendly, affectionate, and goofy, a perfect mix for a cuddling partner. They love to be around people and especially the people they love.

Are Bernedoodles clingy? They are extremely affectionate and loving because both of their parent breeds are extremely loving. However, they could be clingy only when they feel neglected.

Do Bernedoodles bite a lot?

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Based on their breeding, no, Bernedodles do not bite. However, all the puppies have their own way of playing and this includes biting also. To prevent the habit from persisting, rectify the behavior by neglecting and walking away every time he tries to do it.

Are Bernedoodles stubborn?

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These dogs are known for being stubborn when puppies, the trait they get from their Mountain Bernese Dog parent. The behavior could be corrected with consistent and patient training.

Are Bernedoodles easy to train?

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Yes, Bernedoodles are rather easy to train. Though, as puppies, they may show some signs and traits of stubbornness, this could be corrected with positive reinforcement and consistency.

Are they easy to housebreak?

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Yes, due to high intelligence, these dogs are easy to housebreak. Since both of the parents are known for their intelligence and trainability, their mix is naturally smart. However, due to this, they may also be stubborn and need a firm and experienced handler.

Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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