Realesa Letter Logo

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Call/text: (800) 372-0148

Email us at 24/7 365

Realesa Letter Logo

Money-Back Guarantee

Our money-back guarantee policy allows the customer to request a full reimbursement in any of the following cases.

1-Order Cancellation:

The following rules can be applied if the customer wants to cancel an order.

No Therapist Assigned Yet:

When the customer requests for order cancellation before the Therapist is assigned, then he/she can claim full compensation.

When The Therapist is Assigned:

The customer can’t cancel the order once a Therapist has been assigned or the task has been completed.

2- Late Delivery:

In the case of any delay, the customer has the right to claim the Time Delivery Difference Compensation, which will be calculated depending upon the following factors

  • Initial deadline
  • Time of delay

Compensation for the late delivery cannot be provided in any of the following cases.

  • If the delay occurs due to any of the actions by the customer. Delay in payment, ‘delay in submission of the required material’, or being too late to respond to questions from us.
  • If the customer receives the product late due to any issue at his/her end such as the issues with the internet, browser, or any system failure.

General Refund Policies:

  • does not guarantee compliance by all airline employees or landlords. Most will follow the requirements outlined by the Federal rules and regulations which govern Emotional Support Animals; some may not.
  • If you are denied accommodation by an airline, landlord, or housing management agent due to a claim that your ESA letter is not valid, we will provide you with the informational resources to assist you. documentation is legally enforceable pursuant to the limitations and regulations of specific jurisdictions.
  • Since the housing owners and airlines could ask about the validity of your letter, we agree to provide the respective housing and airline assessment forms to clear their doubts.
  • We do not process or grant refunds when third parties beyond our control refuse to comply with the law or follow federally mandated guidelines to accept your ESA letter. In those cases, you are urged to pursue all appropriate legal remedies under the law.
  • Consultation: Rejected applications based upon information provided to Licensed Mental Health Professional will receive a prompt refund, exclusive of a $35 administration fee.

    The application could be rejected due to the factors including;

    • your condition/symptoms do not qualify for the ESA
    • you have a physical disability and need a Service Animal, not an ESA
    • you are trying to get the letter on behalf of someone else unless he is a minor and under your guardianship
    • you are trying to get the letter for your animal, which is wrong because the letter is not for the emotional support animals
  • Refunds will be done through Bank Transfer only.
  • Payments: You agree to pay the certification and ESA documentation and delivery fee at the time of your order. The letter is valid for a year and upon the anniversary date of your letter, we will contact you for the renewal.

    In case you do not want to renew the letter, you can communicate with us about it.

NOTE: Your ESA Letter is provided to you, not to your Emotional Support Animal. Your letter provides you with legal rights regardless of the identity of the animal in your company.

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We provide the only legally enforceable emotional support animal documentation online. Our mental health professionals provide the legal documentation to certify your pet as an emotional support animal.

Do you need a legally compliant ESA letter in hand within 24 hours?