Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Hypoallergenic Cats for People with Allergies

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Hypoallergenic Cats

On This Page

  • What are Hypoallergenic Cats?
  • Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds - Cats that Don’t Shed
  • Are Hairless Cats Hypoallergenic?
  • How to Control Cat Allergies - Helpful Steps and Way

Cat allergies are more common than dog allergies. Cats shed cat allergens and their saliva contains Fel D1 protein that causes itchy eyes and sneezing. How are hypoallergenic cats different from other

How does the allergen in saliva reach the air? When the cat licks her coat, she smears the saliva all over the coat, and from there, the allergens spread through the air. This causes allergic reactions since people with cat allergies have sensitive immune systems. The body treats the cat dander as an invader and attacks it, which results in allergy.

However, there are some cats that either shed less or do not shed at all. These cats cause minimal allergies and are perfect for people with cat allergies.

What are Hypoallergenic Cats?

Hypoallergenic cats are those that cause fewer allergies than other cats. Many people think that cats that have less or no hair cause fewer allergies than the usual cats. But, allergies are not caused by the cat’s hair but by the saliva of the cat.

Moreover, all cats do produce allergens whether they are hairless or not but the ones that shed less have less opportunity to spread those allergens.

What are the Symptoms of Cat Allergy?

How to know if you are allergic to cats? There are a few symptoms that include:

  • Itchy and red eyes
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Runny and itchy nose
  • Rash and hives on the face and chest
  • Reddened skin where the cat has bitten or scratched

If you experience any of these symptoms then consult your doctor immediately.

Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds - Cats that Don’t Shed

‘Are there any hypoallergenic cats?’ Fortunately, yes. There are a number of cat breeds that shed less and are hypoallergenic. These cats make great ‘non-allergenic’ pets for people who are allergic to cats.

Refer below to know about these exotic and hypoallergenic cats for allergy sufferers.

  • Balinese

    Also known as the ‘longhaired’ family member of the Siamese family, with all its heavy fur, it seems quite unlikely that these cats make it to the hypoallergenic cats’ list. The thing that makes these cats cause fewer allergies is that they produce less Fel D1 protein as compared to other cats.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 6 - 7 inches

    Weight - 8 - 12 pounds

    Physical Features - blue eyes, wedge-shaped head, slender and sleek body

  • Oriental Shorthair

    A rather slender but muscular cat to have at home, an Oriental Shorthair is known for its large eyes and ears and playful personality. To keep them happy, even when you are not around, have a partner and friend for your cat. She loves attention and will be depressed if ignored.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 8 - 10 inches

    Weight - 6 - 12 pounds

    Physical Features - slender body, angled head, almond-shaped eyes, large ears

  • Javanese

    Intelligence, loyalty, and agility are some of the defining qualities of Javanese cats. The breed is developed from Balinese, Siamese, and Colourprint cat breeds and could be a clingy feline. It loves its human a lot and will likely follow you around the house. They are opinionated cats that love to ‘communicate’ in their own way.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 18 - 20 inches

    Weight - 5 - 10 pounds

    Physical Features - athletic structure, long legs, large ears, almond-shaped blue eyes

  • Devon Rex

    Also known as the ‘pixie of the cat’, the Devon Rex cat has distinct features like big ears, an elfin face, and sparkling naughty eyes. These cats are playful, love to have fun, social, and extremely loyal. Given their loyalty, they love to be with you everywhere.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 10 - 12 inches

    Weight - 8 - 10 pounds

    Physical Features - slender neck, large ears, prominent eyes

  • Cornish Rex

    These cats have a ripply kind of coat and since they do not have a guard or undercoat, they do not shed like their other feline family. It has a fine stature with an athletic and slender body, curved muscles, arched back, and pleasingly soft hair. They are gorgeous and also have the advantage of shedding less.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 12 - 14 inches

    Weight - 6 - 10 pounds

    Physical Features - high and prominent cheekbones, large ears, curvy structured body

  • Sphynx

    Probably the first ‘hairless’ cat that is bred to be allergen-free, Sphynx cats are not 100% hypoallergenic but due to the lack of the fur coat, there are considerably fewer chances of triggering an allergic reaction. They are warm and you will need to wash and clean its skin to get rid of excessive oil.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 8 - 10 inches

    Weight - 10 - 12 pounds

    Physical Features - hairless, lean structure, wrinkled head, and skin

  • Siberian Cat

    Besides being an amazing beautiful cat, a Siberian is a muscular and powerful cat. It can leap impressive heights and distances and is quite an intelligent car. It gets along very well with other cats, dogs, and kids and is known for its ‘problem-solving’ nature. Moreover, these breeds produce a considerably low amount of Fel D1 protein.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 9 - 11 inches

    Weight - 10 - 20 pounds

    Physical Features - plump body, dense and thick coat

  • Russian Blue

    Bright green eyes and silvery sparkling coat are the distinct features of this beautiful cat. They are very playful and were originally bred in Russia. They can sense the feelings of their owners and since they are bred to withstand the extreme climate, their dense double coat keeps the allergen trapped, near the cat’s skin, and does not let them spread a lot.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 8 - 10 inches

    Weight - 8 - 12 pounds

    Physical Features - green eyes, wedge-shaped head, blue-gray coat

  • Bengal Cat

    This exotic looking cat is a mix of the Egyptian Mau, the Asian Leopard Cat, and some domestic cats. They are very energetic and they love to climb high places. Unlike other cats, they also enjoy playing in water and love to fetch things also. However, since they are a mix of wild cat breeds, they are banned in Hawaii and New York.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 13 - 16 inches

    Weight - 6 - 8 pounds

    Physical Features - round head, large eyes, muscular body, prominent facial markings

  • Siamese Cat

    Being a short hair cat, these cats shed less than other cats, and therefore, they cause fewer allergies. They are very communicative and they have beautiful baby blue eyes. They come in four colors and they love to have people around.

    Breed Characteristics

    Height - 8 - 10 inches

    Weight - 8 - 10 pounds

    Physical Features - slender body, almond-shaped eyes, wedge-shaped head

Are Hairless Cats Hypoallergenic?

Unfortunately, no. Contrary to the common belief, hairless or cats with less fur are not entirely hypoallergenic. However, hairless cats cause fewer allergies than other kinds of cats. Because of minimal chances of causing allergic reactions, these cats are perfect for people with allergies and specifically, cat allergies.

Are Maine Coon Cats Hypoallergenic?

Maine Coon cats are not hypoallergenic cats but they do make great pets for people with cat allergies. However, you will need to take really good care of them and groom them regularly to reduce the chances of allergies.

Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic?

Though the Ragdolls are medium-coat cats they are still not entirely hypoallergenic. These cats do not have undercoats, which could be helpful in controlling or minimizing cat allergies. But you will have to keep it well-groomed to keep living with your favorite feline without getting any allergies.

Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic?

No, Persian cats have heavy fur and this is why they may not be a good pet for people having cat allergies. All cats have Fel D1 protein in their saliva and Persian cats are no different.

Are Savannah Cats Hypoallergenic?

Savannah cats are considered hypoallergenic cats but you can still experience some form of an allergic reaction. But the reaction may not be that severe as with any other cat.

Do Black Cats Cause More Allergies than Light Colored Cats?

Whether darker-colored cats produce more allergens or not is still not confirmed. However, as per a study, it is noticed that people having lighter-colored cats suffer from allergic reactions less often than the ones having black or dark-colored cats. But this is not confirmed.

Furthermore, female cats produce fewer allergens than male cats.

How to Control Cat Allergies - Helpful Steps and Way

Cat allergies are no joke and if you are suffering from them then you can do other things also. Besides choosing a hypoallergenic cat, you can also do the following things to minimize allergies caused by your cat.

  • Do not let your cat roam around the house, especially your bedroom and bed, freely.
  • Vacuum your house every couple of days and make sure that you keep it clean.
  • Leave the windows open whenever possible so that the fresh air circulates throughout the entire house.
  • Take care of your cat’s health. Healthy cats produce less dander and cause fewer allergies.
  • Bath your cat every 2 weeks to help to remove dead skin, loose hair, and dander.
  • Either ask your spouse or kid or take your cat to a professional groomer to brush your cat.
  • Play with your cat but maintain sufficient distance. Do not let it rub against you, lick you or scratch you.
  • Wash your hands immediately after handling your feline.

Doing all this will help in preventing allergies and keep you safe and happy with your cat.

Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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