Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Sheepadoodle - All You Need to Know About the Dog Breed

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11 min read


On This Page

  • Sheepadoodle History and Origin
  • Sheepadoodle Appearance
  • Sheepadoodle Temperament
  • Sheepadoodle Care
  • Interesting Facts About Sheepadoodle

Sheepadoodle is a mixed dog breed that was developed from crossing Poodle and Old English Sheepdog. These smart and playful furry companions are great family dogs that have inherited some best traits from both their parents.

Unlike other dog breeds, Sheepadoodles have a remarkable ability to sense human emotions, because of which they make excellent pets and support animals.

Read the guide below to learn all the characteristics, history, and facts about the Sheepadoodle dog breed.

Sheepadoodle History and Origin

Knowing the history and origin of a dog breed helps understand its overall personality, behavior, and temperament.

There is a probability that a Sheepadoodle dog breed has existed naturally, however in the 1960s, through an experiment, this breed originated. The initial purpose of developing this mixed breed was for the use of a military dog for the US army.

Sheepadoodle did not get popular then. In the 1980s, when people observed that this breed tolerated well among the other allergy sufferers, they became famous. Breeders thought of developing a breed that will be large in size with less tendency to shed hair.

Moreover, breeders were also looking for a dog group that would be friendly around other humans and provide loyal companionship. So they crossed an Old English Sheepdog with a Poodle, and as a result, Sheepadoodle was developed.

An Old English Sheepdog was a breed developed in England from an early herding dog breed. Their playfulness, bubbliness, and intelligence found their way in a Sheepadoodle’s genes. On the other hand, Poodles are a formal breed that has three basic types; standard, miniature, and toy. This dog breed’s origin is still vague as some consider it a French breed while others call it a German.

Both the parent breeds were pure and inherited the best traits in the child’s genes. The crossing of the purebreds has been frequently observed in history as the breeders wanted to cherry-pick the most useful characteristics of the breeds and to make corrections in the faulty genes.

Sheepadoodle, an incredibly beautiful looking pooch, is a product of the same concept. In the changing times, when people need animals for different purposes such as petting and emotional support, Sheepadoodles are gaining popularity.

Sheepadoodles have four different types:

  • F1 Sheepadoodle - They are the product of purebred Old English Sheepdog and a Standard Poodle.
  • F1b Sheepadoodle - This breed is a cross of F1 and a purebred Old English Sheepdog.
  • F2 Sheepadoodle - They are developed when two F1s are crossbred.
  • Mini Sheepadoodle - This hypoallergenic dog is developed when an Old English Sheepdog is crossed with a Miniature Poodle.

Their unique traits of shedding less, being hypoallergenic, and being extremely lovable, make them the best companions.

Sheepadoodle Appearance

This fluffy breed is highly famous because of its great looks and amazing personality. Sheepadoodles can have appearances of both the parent breeds. They can have a squarish face like an Old English SHeepdog or a dome-shaped head like a poodle.

No matter which parent they resemble, Sheepdoodles are a very attractive breed. Following are some features that every person wishes to know before owning a Sheepadoodle dog.


Sheepadoodle is a dog breed with a solid build that is usually medium-sized. They are sturdy-looking dogs with a broad head that is domed-shaped and long ears hanging down till their shoulders.

As they are a mixed breed, the Sheepadoodle size doesn’t have much variation. A standard Sheepadoodle pup can be expected to grow on a larger side that will weigh around 60 to 80 pounds. In contrast, a smaller to medium-sized Sheepadoodle weighs around 45 to 65 pounds.

With a standard Old English Sheepdog and a poodle, the height of the mixed breed will be 50 pounds and above. Tiny Sheepadoodles developed from crossing a Toy Poodle, and an Old English Sheepdog will range from 10 to 24 pounds. While a Mini Sheepadoodle resulted from crossing a Miniature Poodle and an Old English Sheepdog is generally 25 to 49 pounds in weight.

Sheepadoodles have a muscular and proportioned body. Their height can range from 16 to 22 inches, depending on the type. If it is a Mini Sheepadoodle, the size will obviously be smaller. These strong yet attractive-looking dogs can instantly catch people’s eyes without making an effort.

The beautiful black and brown feathered-shaped eyes of a Sheepadoodle dog make his face brighter and more beautiful.


A Sheepadoodle is a unique breed that can have a straight, wavy, or curly coat of hair on the body, including the face and the tail. The Sheepadoodle inherited the coat from both the parents. Like their parents, they shed less hair which is unlike for such a long-haired dog breed.

Due to their amazing trait of shedding less hair, they are the best choice for allergy sufferers. Their long hair coat helps them survive better in cold weather. Although they do not shed much, in summers or hot weather, it is suggested that you trim their hair to keep their bodies cool.

It is generally hard to tell in advance whether the Sheepadoodle pup will have flat, wavy, or curly hair until they grow a little old.


Unlike other dog breeds, Sheepadoodles do not come in a variety of colors. They mainly have black or black and white coats of fur on their bodies. In some cases, the black fur fades to grey as the dog ages.

Although black and white are the most common colors, Sheepadoodles can be white and brown in color as well but the chances are rare. Moreover, the patchwork of this dog breed is also similar in all types.

Sheepadoodle Temperament

Sheepadoodles are an amazing dog breed, both in looks and personality. They are sweet, gentle, affectionate, but intelligent beings who inherited these great traits from their Old English Sheepdog parent.

These shaggy dogs were developed to help bring cattle to the market. Their protective and friendly nature makes it easier for other animals and humans to be easy around them.

Sheepadoodle dogs can be a great family pet as this dog loves seeking attention and to play with children. Moreover, Sheepadoodles also enjoy the company of other dogs and can be extremely energetic.

Sheepadoodles are athletic and they really enjoy playing outdoors. Activities like swimming, fetching, and learning new tricks are their things. If you have a Sheepadoodle puppy, start training at an early age to be comfortable around other animals and humans.

As both the parent breeds are intelligent, training them will not be arduous. Sheepadoodles make amazing watchdogs as well. If you want someone to strongly guard you, protect you, and be a humble fellow, this dog breed is all you need.

This breed can easily be trained as they respond to positive reinforcement that results in good training. With the right trainer and training methods, you can easily make this dog learn almost everything.

Sheepadoodle Care

All furry companions strive to get care and attention from their owners. Just like other friendly dog breeds, Sheepadoodles are sensitive and require extra care and attention.

If you want your four-foot companion to be healthy, active, fresh, and happy, take care of their every small need. Whether it is the need for nutrition, grooming, or health, you should be concerned about everything.

Diet and Nutrition

When talking about care, providing your Sheepadoodle with a nutritional diet is the most essential point. Feeding a healthy diet such as organic dog food contributes a lot to the dog’s lifespan and activity. Sheepadoodles tend to live for 12 to 15 years if take good care of their diet.

Now, there are many options of wholesome foods for your dog that will provide high energy, so select the best one. Whether you go with dry or wet dog food, make sure that the correct level of nutrition is provided to your Sheepadoodle. The nutrition level will differ from age to age and health to height of every dog.

Moreover, like for other animals, ensure that your dog is hydrated and always keep a bowl of fresh clean water beside its food.

Ask your vet for a proper feeding schedule for your dog and the correct diet plan. Both the parent breeds, Old English Sheepdog and Poodle, have inherited its gastric issues in Sheepadoodle. So consult a vet and start adding dry fruits to your dog’s diet.

A scheduled and balanced diet will help the dog stay active and prevent it from weight issues. Overfeeding any animal can be injurious to health, so follow the routine that is provided by the veterinarian. Vet recommended dog food will help you keep your dog healthy and away from diseases.


One major advantage of a mixed breed is that the potential risks of health conditions are decreased. Breeders aim to fix conditions present in the genes to obtain a healthy hybrid breed.

Generally, Sheepadoodle is a healthy and happy dog breed. Even though they are a mixed breed, they still possess some health issues that an Old English Sheepdog and Poodle had. This is the reason why animal health experts emphasize taking good care of the Sheepadoodle dog.

The following are the common health problems associated with Sheepadoodles:

  • Bloating
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Joint Issues
  • Addison’s Disease
  • Sebaceous Adenitis
  • Renal Disorder
  • Von Willebrand Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  • Patellar Luxation
  • Patent Ductus Arteriosus
  • Mitral Dysplasia
  • Tricuspid Dysplasia
  • Allergies

In addition to this, Sheepadoodles are prone to weight gain. You should organize healthy activities and take your dog for a walk daily. Moreover, Sheepadoodle puppies get a little destructive when they get bored. Keep them busy in activities for their mental stimulation.

Pay frequent visits to the veterinarian to ensure your dog’s health. If you notice anything strange about the behavior of your dog, seek medical help as it can be extremely dangerous.


Like other long-haired dog breeds, Sheepadoodle requires the proper grooming to look good and be fresh and active. To keep the coat tidy, do decent brushing three times a week to prevent the dog’s hair from getting tangled.

Sheepadoodles easily form hair knots in the body that can be painful when removed. Use a wired comb or a stainless steel brush and with smooth strokes, brush the whole body including the face and its tail.

Sheepadoodle sheds less hair, so in hot weather, trim an adequate amount of hair off the body to keep it cool.

To prevent ear infections in Sheepadoodles, check their floppy ears and clean them according to the instructions of the vet. In addition to this, ensure nail trimming and cutting before they get extremely long. It is preferred that you cut the nails twice a month to prevent bacterias.

The dental hygiene of a Sheepadoodle is as important as anything. Make your dog used to teeth brushing at an early age to ensure health and cleanliness.

Because of their fur, Sheepadoodles need bathing. You can give showers to your dog at home if it’s comfortable or can take it to a groomer for deep cleaning. It will help the dog prevent skin conditions and other diseases.

Interesting Facts About Sheepadoodle

It is a fact that you can not resist this teddy bear looking dog breed. Being a mixed breed of amazing genes, Sheepadoodles have many interesting traits that are not commonly known to people. If you are planning to get this fluffy breed as a pet, you should be amused to know some intriguing facts.

Different Names for the Breed

Sheepadoodle is a dog breed that is known by different names. Some common names include:

  • Sheepapoo
  • Sheep - A poo
  • Sheepdogdoodle
  • Sheepdoo
  • Sheeppoo
  • dleSheepdogpo
  • Sheepdoodle

No matter which name you give to your Sheepadoodle dog, it will still look like a panda bear that will love to cuddle.

Bernedoodles vs. Sheepadoodles

Bernedoodles and Sheepadoodles are often compared. Bernedoodle is a mixed breed that was developed from crossing a Poodle with a Bernese mountain dog. Similar to Sheepadoodles, Bernedoodles are giant teddy bears with fluffy paws, floppy ears, and shaggy faces.

Unlike Sheepadoodles, Bernedoodles come in a great variety of colors. They have more mountain dog traits in their genes because of which they are better protectors and are more energetic. Sheepadoodles, on the other hand, are a relatively more jolly and fun-loving breed.

Sheepadoodle’s amazing trait of emotionally connecting to people makes it a great emotional support animal. Because of their loyalty and affectionate nature, Sheepadoodles are considered the best therapy and emotional support dogs.

These cuddly and furry beings can be your best companions when you need protection as well as emotional assistance. These great family dogs will adore your children and will guard your family against threats.

You can adopt a Sheepadoodle as your emotional support animal by getting a legitimate ESA letter from a mental health expert.

Sheepadoodles can be great for you if you are having a pet for the first time. Their lively personality, shaggy looks, and defined colors will catch your eyes and will force you to be around them all the time.

You can get one from the Sheepadoodle breeder, adoption, or rescue center at a price that will range from $1000 to $3000. These prices depend on the type and coloring of the dog. If the dog is of rare coloring, chances are that they will cost you much higher.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Sheepadoodles bark a lot?

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Sheepadoodles do not bark a lot if they are specially trained to be around other animals and humans. Their friendly and playful nature helps them cope with situations and people.

How much is a Sheepdoodle?

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Sheepadoodle puppies can cost you $1000 to $3000 if you are getting one from a breeder. If you are looking for a dog at a lower price, get it from an adoption or rescue center.

Are Sheepadoodles easy to train?

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Sheepadoodle puppies are easy to train as they have an obedient nature and are really intelligent. If the right training is given using the right methods, your Sheepadoodle can learn anything.

Are Sheepadoodles high maintenance?

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Sheepadoodle dog’s coats are high maintenance and require proper grooming once in a while. Because of their long hair, Sheepadoodles require decent brushing, bathing, and grooming.

Are Sheepadoodles aggressive?

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Sheepadoodles are not aggressive. Rather, they are a very gentle and friendly dog breed that goes along with everyone well.

Are Sheepadoodles chewers?

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Sheepadoodle pups like to chew like any other dog breed. They will chew anything from rugs, toys, to shoes.

Can Sheepadoodles be left alone?

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Sheepadoodles are family dogs that always need to be around their owners. It makes it difficult for them to be left alone in the house.

Are Sheepadoodles hard to potty train?

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Sheepadoodles are dogs of habit that can be easily trained for potty as well. With a few efforts, you can train them for anything you wish.

What is the best dog food for Sheepadoodle?

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Blue Buffalo Life Protection and Ollie Pet Food are the best dog foods for your Sheepadoodle. They have all the required nutrition that your dog needs and most vets prescribe them for the dog’s health.

How much should I feed my Sheepadoodle?

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A Sheepadoodle requires to be fed 3 to 4 times a day. A full cup of dry dog food should be served each time.




Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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