Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Ragamuffin Cat Breed - History and Complete Profile

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11 min read


On This Page

  • Ragamuffin Cat Breed Background and History
  • Ragamuffin Cat General Description
  • Ragamuffin Cat Temperament and Personality Traits
  • Ragamuffin Cat Health Problems
  • Living With Ragamuffin Cat Breed

When you first see a Ragamuffin cat, you’ll find yourself in awe. Ragamuffin is one of the gorgeous cat breeds who is a calm and ideal companion animal. They are overall healthy and sweet cats and perfectly suited for people living in apartments.

Ragamuffin is a domestic cat breed that originated from California, USA. They were initially considered as the variants of ragdoll cats but later developed as a separate breed. They are usually noticed for their thick, rabbitlike fur and extremely friendly personalities. They inherited many traits from ragdoll cats, like a silky and plush coat.

If you need a perfect lap cat who loves being cuddled, Ragamuffin is the one for you.

These cats are one of the laziest cat breeds, extremely mellow, and go limp in your arms. Because of their plush, heavy, and thick coats, they look bigger than they actually are. Let’s get to know more about this breed in this blog.

Ragamuffin Cat Breed Background and History

Ragamuffin breed is not a relatively old or new breed; they were developed around 1994 by Ann Baker. The history of Ragamuffins begins with the history of the Ragdoll domestic longhair cat breed. To learn about this breed, you may have to learn about the ragdoll cat breed’s history.

The ragdoll cat breed is a mixture of Persian, Birman, and Burmese, but a white cat named Josephine is credited as the original ragdoll cat. Josephine was a solid white Turkish Angora-type cat who resided in Riverside, California. The ragdoll cats are considered the daughters of Josephine; she produced the seal point longhair kitten named Daddy Warbucks.

Daddy Warbucks became one of the foundation males of the ragdoll breed. He produced pointed patterns, solid-colored, and varieties of bi-color pattern cats. The cats who had the pointed pattern with mitted feet were called Cherubim, and non-pointed and non-mitted cats were called Miracle Ragdolls.

In 1975, Ann baker created her registry International Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA) and trademarked the name “Ragdoll”. Ragdoll cats were not allowed to be registered by any other cat association. Baker imposed stringent standards for breeding or selling ragdoll cats. Due to strict restrictions, an IRCA group of ragdoll breeders decided to leave and create their own group.

Owing to Bakers trademark, the new association renamed their stock of cats Liebling, proposed by group’s founder Curt Gehm. An extremely placid behavior was observed in these cats as they go limp whenever you hold them. This behavior became the reason to change the name to Ragamuffin. However, they are considered the cousin of ragdoll because of having the same mother, Josephine.

Ragamuffin then began to be recognized as a new and separate breed, not a ragdoll color variation. To get acceptance from standard organizations, this new breed has to go through each phase of acceptance. They have to meet all the requirements of an association as a new breed. They persisted and got accepted by all major cat associations, including the GCCF, ACFA, and CFA.

The United Feline Organization (UFO) was the first cat association that accepted Ragamuffin as a new breed. Later, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), and the American Cat Fancier Association (ACFA), accepted the breed probably in the same year. The Cat Fancier Association (CFA) accepted this breed in 2003 and advanced them in championship class in 2011.

However, The International Cat Association (TICA) has yet to accept Ragamuffins beyond registration status. Ragdoll cats and Ragamuffin cats are not just similar in looks but also in popularity. They both have a solid fan base and are loved by many people.

Ragamuffin Cat General Description

The overall appearance of Ragamuffin cats is sweet, beautiful, and tranquil cats. They are large, long-bodied, heavily boned with a plush coat and a long tail. They appear bigger than they actually are because of their heavy and thick fur. The length of the coat can vary from semi-long to long.

The head is medium-sized, but the fur makes the face look bigger and proportionate to the body. They are heavily boned and weigh more than they actually appear to be, and require approximately 4 to 5 years to fully mature. The body is rectangular shaped, broad-chested with shoulders supporting a short neck.

The hindquarters are also heavy muscled, being equally broad as the shoulders. A tendency towards a fatty pad in the lower abdomen is expected. The fur around the neck and outer edges of the face is slightly longer and appears like a ruff. The texture of the coat is extremely soft, silky, and dense.

They come in various colors and patterns, and most of them are the same as ragdoll cats. Almost every color is allowed for Ragamuffins with or without white. The coat color can be mitted, mixed, solid, bi-colored, spots, patches, or strips of multiple colors, including lilac, cinnamon, and chocolate.

The mitted color pattern shows color points on the body, but the chin and feet are white. The colorpoint pattern has a light body color with contrasting darker colors on extremities, ears, and masks. The bi-color patterns also exhibit dark points but with an inverted V on the forehead and stomach. The eyes can be any solid color, with some exhibiting heterochromia.

Physical Attributes

Ragamuffin cats give an impression of strong, robust, and well-structured cats with large expressive eyes. Docile nature, big and bold expressive eyes, and large size are the extremes of this breed. Here are the physical attributes of the Ragamuffin breed accepted for the standard of the breed.

BodyLegs & Paws
  • Rectangular
  • Broad chest and shoulders
  • Heavy muscling in hindquarters
  • Fatty pads in the lower abdomen
  • Fully fleshed
  • Balanced body shape, size, and weight
  • Heavily boned
  • Medium length
  • Back legs slightly longer than front legs
  • Large and round paws
  • Tufts between and beneath the paws
  • Long
  • Fluffy furred
  • Proportionate to the body
  • Medium at base
  • Looks like a plume or soft bottle brush
  • Medium-long to long
  • Dense, soft, plush, and silky coat
  • Ruff in appearance
  • Short to medium on front legs
  • Longer around neck and top of the head
  • Broad and rounded
  • Rounded forehead, chin, and muzzle
  • Puffiness in the whisker pad
  • Strong and heavy but short neck
  • Large
  • Walnut shaped
  • Solid and intense eye colors are preferred
  • All colors, including aqua and gold
  • Medium-sized
  • Tilted slightly forward
  • Rounded with moderate furnishings
  • Every possible color expected pointed colors
  • Any amount of white is allowed

Ragamuffin Cat Temperament and Personality Traits

The temperament of the Ragamuffin cat breed is very similar to the ragdoll cat breed. They are calm, even-tempered, and quickly go limp in your arms. They get along with everyone in the family, wonderful even with children and other pets in the house. However, they are not as adaptable as other breeds; they get disturbed by a change in their routine.

These cats are very loveable, people-oriented, attentive, affectionate, love to cuddle, and enjoy playing with their preferred people. They always meet people at the door, welcome them with an erect tail, and follow their favorite ones around the house. They keep an eye on their favorite human beings’ activities. They also love to play with tossed toys; however, they are not overly active.

These cats are very calm and just not overly vocal, but they speak up when they need something. They will talk whenever they have something vital to share with you. The extreme sweetness and exceptionally loving personality perfectly describe the Ragamuffin breed.

Ragamuffin cats form a strong bond with every family member and remain hooked with you all the time when you are home. When you understand this breed and get used to their presence, you’ll feel that only one of these cuddly bears is not enough. They are often found taking rides in baby strollers or attending tea parties.

Yet they are quite lazy cats but ready to play all the time; just pull out their toys, and you’ll find them ready for action. Otherwise, most of the time, you’ll find them sitting on the sofa watching television or curling up in your lap.

As they are people-oriented, they want to please everyone. The “rag” part of their name implies their tendency to go limp in your arms. They should be kept inside to protect them from danger and wild animals. If you let them go out, make sure to keep them around you and go far away from you.

They are intelligent and quick learners, just like most of the other cat breeds. You can teach them different tricks such as walking on the leash or fetching things. They can be trained to listen to you and respond whenever you call them. These cats are wonderful companions for those who live alone and provide support and company.

Ragamuffin Cat Care and Grooming Needs

Ragamuffin has a plush and silky coat that needs constant grooming. However, the fur does not go mat or clump easily, so a weekly grooming routine can also work best for them. Regularly brush the coat if you want to reduce the shedding, or at least brush it once a week. Take a stainless steel comb and gently comb the hairs to remove tangles and dead hairs.

Raggamuffin enjoys attention, so you will not have any problem in the grooming sessions. Trim their nails every 1 to 2 weeks or whenever needed. Check their ears on a regular basis and clean them properly. Brush their teeth regularly with a vet-approved toothpaste to promote dental hygiene.

Daily clean the tail with pet wipes. Clean the eyes with different wipes and cotton balls to avoid infection contamination in the eyes. Give them a gentle bath with a cat shampoo every month or two or whenever your cat gets dirty.

Ragamuffin Cat Feeding Needs

Provide your cat with high-quality dry or wet food to keep them healthy and active. It will help them live a healthy life and increase their life expectancy. Consult your vet regarding the feeding requirements of your cat and what is best for your cat’s health. Your cat needs proper nutrition, which only a vet can guide you about.

The food you provide your cat should be specific to the cat’s age. Dry cat food is preferred for Ragamuffins because it promotes healthier teeth and gums. A well-balanced diet that contains protein as an ingredient should be a necessity. However, vets mostly recommend wet food because it provides more moisture to cats.

Clean and fresh water must be available for the cat all the time to keep them hydrated. Vets also prefer wet cat food because it reduces the chances of getting dehydrated. Wet food has many other benefits. So, choose any well-known cat food brand that has scientific backing.

All cats require high-quality fat and protein in their food, and Ragamuffin is no exception. They also need the amino acid which could not be found in human or dog food. The cat foods are specially formulated for cats to provide them sufficient nutrients and all the necessary ingredients they need.

The amount of food you should provide to your cat is determined by its size and age. However, vets recommend feeding your feline twice a day. Growing kittens need more protein, vitamins, nutrients, and calories than a grown-up cat. Your Ragamuffin will enjoy her mealtime in a quiet corner of the house.

Ragamuffin Cat Health Problems

The ragamuffin cat breed is generally healthy and moderately active. However, they are prone to some specific health issues.

  • Feline Infectious Peritonitis

    A virus causes feline infectious peritonitis in cats. It infects the liver, stomach and inflammation of the blood vessels. The symptoms usually include fever, abdominal effusion, jaundice, diarrhea, and vomiting.

  • Calcium Oxalate Bladder Stones

    A small amount of calcium oxalate is always present in the urine of a cat. But if the amount gets high to a serious level, then it will pose a problem. Genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and diet usually contribute to cats being susceptible to getting bladder stones.

  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

    HCM is a heart muscle disorder in which the heart muscles get thick, and it becomes difficult for the heart to pump blood. It is an inherited genetic health problem that tends to affect males more than females. The symptoms may include paralysis of the hind limbs and difficulty in breathing.

Living With Ragamuffin Cat Breed

Now you know that living with this fluffy teddy bear is very easy. They are not just easy to train but also easy-going and adapt well to apartment living. These cats are an ideal option for people living in small apartments.

These large cats are loving and affectionate and easily adapt to your schedule. But, you need to maintain your schedule because these felines get uncomfortable with a slight change in their routine.

As a placid cat, they will have interactive sessions and play games with you and keep you company all the time. You will never have to be alone or feel lonely with their presence. They can become a very good companion, so if you are looking for an emotional support cat, do consider this breed.

Ragamuffin felines provide you love and attention. They understand your emotions and cuddle you whenever you feel sad or depressed. So if you need an emotional support animal to recover your mental health, get one of these cats.

Ask your doctor to provide you an ESA letter, or you can get it from RealESALetter.com. RealESALetter.com is a legitimate and reliable website that provides an original and real ESA letter. You can get your letter within 48 hours written by a certified mental health professional doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where did the term ‘Ragamuffin’ come from?

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The term ‘Ragamuffin’ comes from the Middle Dutch word ‘muffee’ and it means mitten. It is generally used to describe a dirt child who is unkempt with tattered and ragged clothing.

What is the difference between a Ragamuffin and a ragdoll cat?

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Ragdolls and Ragamuffins have many similarities including body shape, color, and coat. However, Ragamuffin comes in various colors whereas ragdolls have only marked points. Moreover, Ragamuffin cats are calm and docile whereas ragdolls are playful and active.

Does a Ragamuffin shed a lot?

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No, Ragamuffins do not shed a lot. Although they have a long and heavy coat with silky and soft fur, they do not shed excessively. Their coats are easy to maintain but require regular grooming.

Can Ragamuffin cats live alone?

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No, Ragamuffin cats cannot tolerate being alone. They love human interaction, if you leave them alone for a long period of time, they become depressed and withdrawn. So, if you are a busy person do not think of becoming a Ragamuffin owner.

Is a Ragamuffin hypoallergenic?

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No, the Ragamuffin cat breed is not hypoallergenic. People with allergies might be allergic to these cats. Knowing their shedding behavior, they also shed long hairs often and also dead skin.




Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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