Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Ocicat Cat: Complete Breed Profile, History, & Facts

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ocicat cat

On This Page

  • Ocicat History
  • Ocicat vs. Bengal Cat
  • Ocicat Physical Attributes
  • Ocicat Personality and Temperament
  • Ocicat Health Problems
  • Ocicat Price Range
  • Ocicat Interesting Facts
  • Do Ocicat Breed Make Great Emotional Support Animals?

Some cat breeds are discovered naturally as wild. In contrast, others are relatively new breeds resulting from specific breeding experiments.

Getting to know different ways with which cat breeds come to exist is fascinating. Ocicat is that one cat with an interesting history. It is considered a dog in a cat’s body because of its sociable, gentle, and adoring nature.

Continue reading if you are interested to know more about this sweet North American cat breed with wild looks.

Ocicat History

The Ocicat was created through crosses between an Abyssinian, Siamese, and American cat. A cat breeder named Virginia Daly in Michigan first bred Ocicat in the mid 20th century. However, the creation of this breed was a complete accident.

In 1964, she mated a Siamese female and an Abyssinian male with purebred Siamese to create a 3rd generation. Daly wanted to create a short-haired cat with interesting color pointing and markings. Consequently, Tonga was born with copper eyes and golden spots. He was a new breed and soon named ‘Ocicat.’

This breed was neutered and sold, but his legacy continued. An article about this cat was published in a Detroit newspaper that soon brought Dr. Clyde Keeler’s attention. He started researching the genetics of the breeding program.

He further added American shorthair cats to the mix breeding of pointed Siamese cats and the Abyssinian. As a result, more Ocicat kittens with wild looks appeared.

This new breed was registered with the Cat Fanciers Association, Inc in 1966. The cat also won the championship status in the club and became eligible for national and international cat shows.

Today, Ocicat is one of the popular cat breeds worldwide. Moreover, it is a domestic breed with no DNA of a wildcat. Other common Ocicat names include Savannah, Simba, Harley, Blaze, Coco, Mad Max, and Kitty.

Ocicat vs. Bengal Cat

Many people think that Ocicat and Bengal cats are the same as both have wild looks, dark spots, and similar appearance. However, these two cats are completely different. The following are the distinguishing characteristics of both cats.

Ocicat Physical Attributes

The Ocicat cat seems to be wild but is sometimes known as the ‘Domestic Ocelot.’ The features of the Ocicat size that appear to be wild include the following:

  • A sleek but sturdy and svelte medium to a large-sized body
  • The legs are muscular and powerful
  • It is heavier than it appears and weighs up to 15 pounds
  • The wedge-shaped head is longer than it is wider
  • It has large pointed ears with almond-shaped eyes
  • The tufts of hair are tilted at a 45-degree angle
  • The paws are large, oval-shaped, and powerful

Below are some other physical characteristics of this cat breed.

  • Spots

    Black spots are the most defining characteristic of Ocicats. They are thumbprint-shaped and lay against a light background.

    Moreover, these spots run in rows along the spine and rear of the body. It further extends down the legs. There are also some other broken spots around the neck and legs.

    Similarly, the Ocicat has markings around the cheeks and eyes. The forehead also features a pointed and solid M-shaped marking.

  • Color

    These cats are found in 12 different color combinations. The primary Ocicat colors are chocolate silver, cinnamon silver, and tawny. However., the coat appears blue, silver, or fawn. On the other hand, many cats have developed a darker, lavender silver, fawn silver, or orange coat, making them look wilder.

  • Coat

    Other than spots and color combinations, the Ocicat’s cost is also distinctive. It has a satin, smooth texture with short hair. It is not wholly and lies close to the skin.

    Many people assume Ocicats as hypoallergenic, which is not true. However, it is listed as one of the top 10 non-shedding cats. Those having allergies to cat hair might get affected by this breed.

Ocicat Personality and Temperament

The temperament and personality of the Ocicat is unique. There is no clear link between its history or appearance and the behavior.

This breed looks like an aggressive or wild cat, but you cannot judge it from its appearance. Ocicat is a purely domestic cat breed. They are friendly and social, and affectionate pets to strangers and other animals. However, they are very sensitive and can act aggressively when feeling threatened.

Another important attribute of their personality is that Ocicats are highly intelligent. They are very easy to train, and you can also teach them to respond to their name.

Similarly, Ocicats need intellectual attention, so you should provide them with toys and play sessions. It will help them to stay active and engaged. However, they are neither independent nor clingy. They enjoy being with their owner but dislikes being scolded.

Keep in mind; this breed can live both indoors and outdoors. All it needs is a place where he is safe and away from wildlife or aggressive animals. Instead, they prefer to stay with cat-friendly dogs. They also tend to be very local, and the owners might be concerned about excessive meowing at night.

Because of their highly social nature, Ocicats can develop separation anxiety if left alone for a couple of hours.

Ocicat cats need regular grooming to keep their coat in good shape. It is also important to stimulate circulation and remove the shedding of dead hair. A good grooming session strengthens the bond between the owner and the cat.

Consider the following points while grooming an Ocicat breed.

  • Bathing

    Bathing should be introduced into the cat’s routine when it’s a kitten. It should be done every two or three weeks. Fill a washbasin with lukewarm water, and make sure to use approved shampoos and grooming wipes to keep the cat healthy.

    Give a good rub with a towel to dry them off properly. Also, wipe the eyes with a damp and soft cloth to remove any discharge.  It is also important to check the ears weekly. Wipe them with a damp cloth moistened with a mixture of warm water and cider vinegar. Avoid using cotton swabs as they can damage the inner ear.
  • Brushing

    Regular brushing after every two or three weeks is a must as Ocicats shed moderately. It removes the dead hair. Don’t forget to brush the stomach and under the neck area as an Ocicat loves it.

    However, avoid too much brushing as it can stimulate the natural oils that cats produce through the hair. Also, ensure to clean the brush after brushing.
  • Clipping

    The cat nails get sharper as they grow. Thus, they need to be clipped every few months. However, it is better to get it done by a Veterinarian because if the nails cut too short, the cat will bleed. In return, it will be painful and unpleasant.

Diet and Nutrition

The Ocicat cat breed needs proper nutrition where protein and fats come first. Dry cat food is also a good option as it makes the teeth and gums healthier.

Many people assume Ocicats are hypoallergenic cats, which is not true. However, it is listed as one of the top 10 non-shedding cats. Those having allergies to cat hair might get affected by this breed.

As cats don't drink a lot of water and sometimes get dehydrated. Thus, most veterinarians recommend wet food as it provides moisture to cats. Similarly, they also need amino acids like Taurine to deal with specific medical issues like kidney disease or obesity.

Ocicat cat breeds must be fed twice a day, but kittens need to feed after every few hours. It is because growing kittens need more vitamins, nutrients, proteins, and calories. Also, keep water in a clean and stainless steel bowl near the food.

Consider the following things while looking for high-quality cat food.

  • Toxic ingredients
  • No artificial additives
  • No low-quality fillers
  • It should be meat-based
  • No garlic

Lastly, it is better to consult a professional veterinarian to get the best dietary advice for your Ocicat.

Exercise Needs

The Ocicat needs daily exercise and interaction with people. You can also provide them mentally stimulating cat toys, scratchers, gyms, and daily walks on a leash. It allows them to lead a well-balanced life.

Here are some of the latest cat toys to keep your Ocicat entertained.

  • Ripple rug play mats
  • The Feather Whirls
  • Pet cube toys
  • Food trees
  • Turbo scratcher toys
  • Cat companion interactive toys
  • Electronic motion toys

Ocicat Health Problems

Fortunately, Ocicat is considered a strong and healthy cat breed. However, they are also prone to a few health problems. Mostly, these health concerns are associated with the Siamese, Abyssinian, and American Shorthair breeds. As Ocicat is descended from these thus, the cat owners should be familiar with the symptoms.

Here are some common health conditions that this breed might suffer from:

  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

    It is a heart muscle disorder where the walls of the left ventricle thicken and become stiffer. This disease is common in many cat breeds and usually gets diagnosed at around 3 months to 17 years of age.

    Moreover, this disorder is an inherited genetic defect that affects males more than female cats. The following are the common symptoms of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.

    • Short breathing
    • Weakness
    • Hind limb paralysis
    • Limb pain
    • Accumulation of fluid in the lungs
    • Space between the lungs and the chest wall

    Proper treatment is required to improve cardiac functioning by reducing blood clots.

  • Pyruvate Kinase

    Pyruvate Kinase is an inherited disease most common in Abyssinian spotted cats. In this condition, the Ocicats have fewer red blood cells that may result in anemia.

    If your cat suffers from chronic fatigue or reduced appetite, consult a doctor. Make sure that your cat gets plenty of rest during this disease.

  • Gingivitis

    This condition occurs because of an inflammation of the gums due to bacterial plaque. Here, the gum color in cats will change from a light pink to purple or red. Common symptoms include bad breath and bleeding. Moreover, it may result in periodontitis if worsened.

    Gingivitis can be cured with a high-quality dental care regime and proper teeth cleanings twice a year.

  • Ringworm

    It is an infection of the skin, hair, and claws that is mainly caused by a fungus called dermatophyte. This disease occurs in almost 98% of cats and can easily spread from cats to people. Symptoms include circular, bald patches with scales or broken hairs. The cat’s parents should consult the veterinarian for an effective treatment plan.

  • Renal Amyloidosis

    This health problem is also hereditary and commonly found in Abyssinian pointed cats. It is mainly caused by faulty proteins replacing healthy cells in the organs like kidneys or liver.

    It tends to develop before the age of 5 and may result in organ failure. Watch out for the symptoms such as excessive thirst, urination, poor coat quality, and lethargy. For this, you should ask about any known cases of amyloidosis in your Ocicat’s ancestors at the time of adoption.

Ocicat Price Range

There are many cats in Ocicat rescue or shelters desperately in need of a good home. While adopting an Ocicat, ask questions and look for a good temperament. Similarly, while purchasing a breed, choose wisely. Make sure that the Ocicat kittens for sales should also be playful and curious.

Reputable Ocicat breeders usually belong to the Breed Clubs or council. They hold the kittens for 14 weeks until they are ready to adjust to a new environment. Furthermore, they ensure that the kittens are physically stable and have received all the initial vaccinations.

While searching for a breeder on the internet, be careful and read the reviews. It is because you only have 24 hours to return the cat if you find any health issues.

The Ocicat breed has been divided into two different categories in terms of price. These include:

  1. 1. Limited Registered Ocicat Cats (raised as pets only)

    The cats raised as pets are not allowed for breeding. They have relatively low prices that range between $250 to $500.

  2. 2. Fully Registered Ocicat Cats (allowed for breeding)

    This category is allowed for breeding, and their prices greatly fluctuate according to the breeders and appearance. They usually cost around $500 to $1500.

Ocicat Interesting Facts

The following are some interesting facts about the Ocicat cat breed.

Do Ocicat Breed Make Great Emotional Support Animals?

Ocicats are considered a popular designer cat breed. They are extremely friendly, trainable, and affectionate. Moreover, they enjoy being with their owners. Thus, because of their unique personality, Ocicats undoubtedly make great emotional support animals.

If you are planning to get this cat breed, contact a reliable breeder. To get a support cat, you will need an authentic ESA letter from a mental health professional. It will make you eligible to live and travel with your ESA. Similarly, you can also adopt an Ocicat as a pet from different rescue homes and pet stores.

In case you want a valid and professionally written letter within 24 hours, contact us at RealESALetter.com now.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Ocicat Patronus?

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Ocicat is a small cat breed and one such corporeal form of the Patronus. Those with this Patronus are playful, intelligent, and independent. Moreover, they love to spend time with their families.

Do Ocicats get along with dogs?

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Ocicats are highly sociable and friendly. Thus, they can easily get along with strangers, other dogs, and cats.

How can I tell if my cat is an Ocicat?

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To identify an Ocicat Cat breed, look for the signature dark spots, large ears, and ears that resemble a wild cat.


Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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