Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Can Dogs Eat Shrimp? Read Before Your Feed!

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can dogs eat shrimp

On This Page

  • Can Dogs Eat Shrimp Safely?
  • Are Shrimp Nutritious for Dogs?
  • What's the Best Way to Serve Shrimp to Dogs?
  • When Is Shrimp Bad For Dogs?

Can dogs have shrimp?

The answer is, it depends.

Dogs can eat shrimp. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you feed your pup this tasty treat.

As canine owners, we sometimes find the information about what's safe and not safe for our dogs to eat can be confusing.

In this blog post, we'll break down some of the safety concerns behind feeding your dog shrimp. We will help you make an informed decision on whether or not it's okay to feed your pup these tasty little crustaceans.

Can Dogs Eat Shrimp Safely?


Shrimp are not just for humans—dogs can enjoy them too! Not only does shrimp contain several nutrients that will benefit your pup's health, but they may also help regulate their mood and energy levels.

The next time you're steaming some up for dinner or lunchtime snacks set aside one or two for your fluffy friend as well.

How Much Shrimp Can Dogs Eat?

Dogs should only eat small amounts of shrimp. A medium-sized dog can have up to two shrimp a day, and a small dog can have one half to one shrimp per day.

If you feed your dog shrimp, make sure the amount they're eating isn't too much. As long as those shrimp servings come every other day in combination with their regular diet of dry food, then it is all okay.

Also, remember the 10% rule. Any dog treat should encompass only 10% of the dog’s daily caloric intake.

Are Shrimp Nutritious for Dogs?

Shrimp is a sea creature, and it has lots of health benefits. It contains fewer calories than other foods and contains many other beneficial nutritional components like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc., for your pup.

Here are some of those:

  • Glucosamine

    Glucosamine is a sugar found in the body, made of glutamine and glucose. It helps form and repair cartilage in our joints for better health. Cartilage is a tissue that acts as a cushion between bones to absorb shock.

    Dogs produce glucosamine naturally when they are younger, but their bodies produce less of it when they get older, which can cause problems with joints. Adding glucosamine to your dog's diet can help improve mobility by reducing shock absorption.

  • Antioxidants

    If you have ever seen a shrimp turn pink when it is cooked, know that the reason is because of astaxanthin. This is a red pigment in animals that turns them pink. It helps with protection against free radicals.

    Free radicals are things that can cause cancer and many other problems in your dog's cells, proteins, and DNA. Thus, astaxanthin prevents all those health issues.

    Astaxanthin is a powerful nutrient. It helps with inflammation and pain, which is good for weak joints. It also helps your dog’s immune system, so it's better to fight off diseases.

    Astaxanthin also has a special quality where it crosses the blood-brain barrier and gives nutrients to the brain, so it helps improve vision or dry eyes.

  • Taurine

    Taurine is an amino acid that helps the heart, eyes, brain, and immune system. Dogs can make their own taurine, but it is important to feed your dog taurine-rich foods as they age.

    Shrimp are a great source of taurine because they contain 48 mg of taurine per ounce.

  • Vitamins & Minerals

    Shrimp are full of nutrients that will help your dog to be healthy. Shrimp contain vitamin D3 for immune function and cancer prevention, vitamin B12 for gastrointestinal health, vitamin B3 for energy production, blood circulation, and enzyme function. Shrimp also has phosphorus, which is good for healing wounds and bones.

Can Shrimp Treat Obesity in Dogs?

Since shrimp is a healthy food, many believe that it can help dogs to lose weight. But is that true? What about shrimp for dogs who are overweight?

Well, the facts do show that shrimp contain lots of protein and not so much fat. And dogs need protein. And if the shrimp replaces preservative-filled commercial dog treats or high-fat ones, it can help with weight loss in dogs.

What's the Best Way to Serve Shrimp to Dogs?

Shrimp is generally not harmful to dogs, nor are most dogs allergic to it. However, certain measures should be taken to ensure that you safely feed shrimp to your pup. Here are a few serving suggestions:

Prefer Cooked Shrimp Over Raw Shrimp

“Can dogs eat cooked shrimp?”

Yes! In fact, it is the best.

Raw shrimp or raw shellfish is not good for dogs. If they eat it, they can get sick and become sick. They can get parasites and foodborne illnesses from uncooked meat. So, dogs should not eat uncooked seafood.

These include the risk of contracting parasites like;

  • Flukes
  • Tapeworms
  • Roundworms

“Can Dogs Eat Boiled Shrimp?”

Yes, dogs can eat boiled shrimp.

The shrimp needs to be cleaned and the shells removed. Boil the shrimp until it reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees. When the shrimp is boiled, it should be opaque on the inside.

Save some plain pieces of boiled shrimp for your dog if you are planning to add spices and seasonings to the other food you will eat with your dog.

“Can Dogs Eat Fried Shrimp?”

Fried food is not good for dogs like it is not good for us. There are many reasons. One reason is that it doesn't taste very good and can make their stomach hurt.

Another reason is that the grease and oil might make your dog's stomach upset. So you can give them a piece of fried shrimp sometimes, but you need to limit how much they eat of it because it isn't healthy for them, either.

Remove the Shrimp Shell and Tail

Dogs shouldn’t be eating shrimp shells and tails. Although the tails do not have a big risk for dogs, they might upset your dog’s stomach. So you should remove the shell and tail from shrimp if your dog eats it.

“Can Dogs Eat Shrimp Shells?”

You can feed cooked shrimp to your dog. But you need to remove the shell first. You should also take out the vein that runs along the back of the shrimp with a knife after you open it up.

You can use these shells for seafood stock later on, but make sure to boil them with vegetables first and then strain them when they are done cooking.

“Can Dogs Eat Shrimp Tails?”

Don't let dogs eat shrimp tails. They can be a choking hazard, and they will irritate their upper GI tract. You can look for cleaned shrimp in the supermarket’s frozen section or ask your fishmonger to clean fresh shrimp and remove the tails for you.

How to Safely Feed Shrimp to your Dog?

If you want to give your dog shrimp, here is how you should prepare it.

  • Cook or most preferably boil it first.
  • You need to take the shells and the tails off of the shrimp.
  • Do not put seasonings or foods that are high in fat or calories into your shrimp when cooking it for your dog.
  • It is important to make sure that your dog can eat shrimp. If they get sick, they might vomit or have diarrhea.
  • If your dog has any medical problems, they could worsen if you give them a new treat. Make sure that you ask the vet before giving them a new treat, such as a shrimp.

When Is Shrimp Bad For Dogs?

“Is shrimp poisonous to dogs?”

Shrimp isn't good for your dog if it is not cooked.

Cook the shrimp before you feed it to your dog. When you cook shrimp, all of the harmful microorganisms that are in raw shrimp will be killed. Some shrimp can be contaminated by toxins that won't get killed when they're cooked.

“Does shrimp make dogs sick?”

Shrimp can be contaminated and cause serious reactions. This is rare but can happen. The common symptoms of this poisoning include:

  • Paralysis
  • Neurological effects
  • GI tract obstruction and diseases

Even if the shrimp is not affected, raw shrimp can get bacteria from dirty surfaces. The best way to get rid of any harmful bacteria is to cook the shrimp completely.

Can Dogs be Allergic to Shrimps?

“What happens when a dog eats shrimp?”

You could have a dog that is allergic to shrimp. Dogs have various food allergies. Just like any other food, if you want to give your dog shrimp for the first time, start with a small amount and watch for any reactions.

Some common signs of allergic reactions include:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Facial swelling
  • Itchy skin
  • Hives
  • Upset stomach
  • Irritated behavior

Better Alternatives to Shrimps

In addition to allergies and illnesses, there is always the danger of choking and internal injuries from fish bones or shells, making seafood one of the most hazardous food categories for dogs.

If you're concerned about your dog's health and want to introduce more protein into their diet, seafood is a great option. But if your pup isn't a fan of shellfish, don't worry - there are plenty of other options for them to enjoy. Here are some fun (and healthy) alternatives:

Sardines: Canines love these tiny, inexpensive fish because they are rich in nutrients and an excellent source of protein and omega-3.

Salmon: Completely cook the salmon before serving it to your dog. It's a nutritious and delicious meal that they're sure to love!

Green-Lipped Mussels: These New Zealand mussels are packed with essential fatty acids and glycosaminoglycans, which have been known to relieve pain in dogs with arthritis.

There are plenty of other healthy treat options for your pet, whether you prefer store-bought or home cooked. It all comes down to what your furry friend is most used to!

There is Nothing Fishy about your Dog having Shrimp!

Next time it is seafood night, you can let your dog have shrimp. You don't need to worry about anything fishy happening because dogs eat shrimp safely.

Shrimp can be a great, nutritious addition to your dog's diet. Feeding shrimp is safe for dogs as long as you prepare it properly and give them smaller portions until they are used to the taste of it.

Happy feeding!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat shrimp chips?

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Yes, dogs can eat shrimp chips. Most shrimp crackers with minimum additives are safe for your dogs to eat. They make a crunchy delicious treat for your dog.

Can dogs eat shrimp cocktails?

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No, dogs cannot eat shrimp cocktails. This is because it has added sauces. This sauce is toxic for dogs since it has added ingredients like onion, garlic, oil, and spices which do not go well with most dogs.

Can dogs eat shrimp raw?

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No, dogs should not eat shrimp raw. Raw and uncooked meat and seafood have many pathogens that can make your dog sick. The most common infection caused due to raw meat is Salmonella infection. So, only give cooked or boiled shrimp to your dog.

Can dogs eat shrimp tempura?

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No! Shrimp tempura is a deeply fried shrimp. It is very oily, hard, and high in calories. Thus, shrimp tempura is not recommended by vets to be fed to your dogs.

Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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