Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms? Get the Answer Here!

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Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms ?

On This Page

  • How do Mushrooms Benefit Dogs?
  • How to Feed Mushrooms to Your Dog?
  • Can Dogs Eat Wild Mushrooms?
  • What Kinds of Wild Mushrooms are Dangerous for Dogs?
  • What are the Signs of Mushroom Poisoning in Dogs?
  • How to Treat Mushroom Poisoning in Dogs?
  • Safety Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe

Mushrooms are a difficult food group to navigate. Mushrooms are found in many meals, grow on their own in the wild and in our gardens and backyards. Still, there are many stories about how humans keep getting poisoned by them.

But, can dogs also have the same response to them? Are they poisonous for them also?

The type of mushroom is the determining factor. While some mushrooms are actually beneficial for you, other wild mushroom varieties can be dangerous.

Have you ever considered giving your dog a mushroom, or seen him eat one grown in your yard? You must have asked yourself these questions if you've ever considered doing it or seen your dog do it.

This blog will answer different questions revolving around the consumption of mushrooms and whether they are safe for canines or not.

Which Mushrooms Are Safe for Dogs?

Mushrooms bought from the store or cultivated in your garden for your human family to consume are typically non-toxic to dogs, according to Schmid.

These mushrooms appear in a variety of different meals, including salads. Shiitake, portobello, and white button mushrooms are all excellent choices.

As Schmid states, ‘If a mushroom is safe for human consumption, it's OK for dogs too.’

“What kind of mushrooms can dogs eat?”

“Can dogs eat Portabella mushrooms?”

“Can dogs eat Shiitake mushrooms?”

Here are some varieties of mushrooms that are safe for dogs to eat.

  • White button
  • Cremini
  • Portabella
  • Porcini
  • Reishi
  • Shiitake
  • Maitake

However, when it comes to wild mushrooms that grow in wet locations of our lawns or gardens, or the fungi we discover beneath the trees in the woods, everything is up for debate and analysis.

Many mushroom kinds are on a long list of other toxic and hazardous plants that are harmful to dogs and may be fatal. Therefore, instead of allowing Coco to eat just any kind of mushroom, it is better that you stay diligent and avoid any unidentified and unknown territory.

Can Dogs Safely Eat Store-bought Mushrooms?

Mushrooms can be poisonous to humans as well as dogs. But are store-bought mushrooms like portobellos safe for dogs?

Usually, mushrooms sold in supermarkets and grocery stores are typically safe for dogs to consume, according to Dr. Justine A. Lee, DVM, DACVECC, one of the Pet Health Network's writing staff.

However, plain mushrooms are uncommon fare. We prefer to cover them in delectable sauces, oils, and seasonings, adding a whole new set of issues for dogs.

Oils, butter, seasonings, and certain veggies like garlic and onions can all be harmful to dogs. Feeding dishes with mushrooms to dogs is generally not a good idea.

Because dogs don't require mushrooms in their diet, it's best to avoid giving them any kind of mushroom-based treat.

How do Mushrooms Benefit Dogs?

Mushrooms are high in fiber, protein, and various minerals, including amino acids, vitamin A, B vitamins (such as thiamin), copper, enzymes, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese niacin, pantothenic acid, potassium riboflavin, phosphorus selenium thiamin, and zinc.

Mushrooms are also high in antioxidants that support good health.

Mushrooms are high in vitamins. They may be added to your dog's diet and provide substantial benefits as follows:

  • Improve liver and kidney function.
  • Improve the condition of sick or weak animals
  • Improve blood sugar and metabolism levels.
  • Cholesterol reduction, weight loss support, and protection against fatty liver disease can all be accomplished by consuming mushrooms.
  • Helps in preventing viral infections.
  • Boost your dog's immunity.
  • Lower your dog's blood pressure.
  • Heart disease can be prevented.
  • Prevent and combat cancer in canines.

Despite offering and providing all these health benefits, you must be careful when feeding mushrooms to Coco.

Things to Consider When Feeding Mushrooms to Your Dog

Some mushrooms are poisonous, even deadly to dogs. Only give the dog food that you would eat yourself if it was safe and nutritious.

Always cook mushrooms before feeding them to your dog.

“Can dogs eat mushrooms raw?”

Never feed your dog raw mushrooms. They are hard to digest for them and could make them sick and cause vomiting and diarrhea.

How to Feed Mushrooms to Your Dog?

If you still want to give your dog a mushroom—the non-toxic, human-safe kind that is also safe for dogs, Schmid advises that you can do it occasionally.

In general, commercially produced and homegrown mushrooms that are eaten by humans are acceptable for canine consumption. To keep your pooch healthy, avoid combining them in meals that aren't nutritious.

Mushrooms and Peas Recipe for Dogs


  • 1/2 cup thinly sliced white button mushrooms or porcini
  • 1/2 cup chopped snow peas
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 raw egg


  1. Sauté the mushrooms in butter for about 10 minutes on medium heat.
  2. Increase the heat to medium-high and add the broth.
  3. Stir in the snow peas and simmer for 5 minutes, or until they're crisp-tender.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, cover, and set it aside.
  5. Over the mushrooms and peas, add the raw egg. Combine thoroughly.
  6. Allow the egg to cook in a covered pan.
  7. Serve along with cooked brown rice or quinoa for a complete meal.

But, as Hinder explains, there's little incentive to feed your dog a mushroom: "Mushrooms don't contain any nutritional value, and there's no need to intentionally give them to dogs," she adds.

If you and your dog want to eat a mushroom on occasion, that's great. However, since they don't give any nutritional value to your dog, it's probably preferable to choose another, even more, nutritious human food to enjoy together.

Can Dogs Eat Wild Mushrooms?

Consider this example. Your dog is happily sniffing the ground while walking through a wooded path when she suddenly stops to have a bit of something.

You inspect it and find out that your dog has eaten a wild mushroom.

Terrified? You should be, and you MUST never ignore such an 'accident.’

Some people think that toxic mushrooms will deter dogs because they can identify poisons by smell. Unfortunately, this is not right, and dogs could definitely eat something poisonous.

Veterinarians state that the consumption of wild mushrooms is one of the top causes of poisoning among dogs. Moreover, many of these incidents go unreported and often result in fatal poisoning in pets.

Reacting promptly to a possible mushroom threat is the only best way of keeping your dog out of danger.

Contact your veterinarian, an animal poison control center, or an emergency veterinary hospital as soon as possible if your dog has eaten a wild mushroom.

According to Renee Schmid, DVM, DABVT, DABT, a veterinarian and toxicologist working with Pet Poison Helpline,

‘Most, but not all, mushrooms that grow in someone's yard will cause a dog stomach upset, but because more toxic ones can sneak in, it's best to try to have the mushroom identified.’

So, it is important that you either get the mushrooms checked or contact a veterinarian as soon as your dog eats any identified mushrooms.

What Kinds of Wild Mushrooms are Dangerous for Dogs?

Dogs consume mushrooms because they LOVE doing it. In fact, they love exploring new and strange things. Dogs explore everything by smell and taste, and a mushroom could be particularly appealing to your dog.

“Are all mushrooms poisonous to dogs?”

To make matters worse, some poisonous mushroom varieties, such as Amanita phalloides (death cap) and Inocybe spp., have a fishy odor. Dog owners usually know that such smells are particularly attractive for the dogs and could result in consuming toxic mushrooms in them.

Here are some varieties that are particularly dangerous for canines.

  • Amanita phalloides (death cap)
  • Galerina marginata (deadly Galerina)
  • Amanita gemmata (jeweled death cap)
  • Amanita muscaria (fly agaric)
  • Gyromitra species (false morel)
  • Cortinarius Rubellus (deadly webcap)
  • Clitocybe Rivulpsa (Fool's funnel)
  • Amanita Virosa (destroying angel)
  • Amanita Pantherine (Panther cap)
  • Pleurocybella Porrigens (Angel’s Wings)
  • Inocybe species and Clitocybe dealbata mushrooms

Identifying toxic mushrooms is difficult, and anyone could be fooled.

Even practiced mushroom foragers make errors, according to veterinarians, so if you aren't a mycologist, don't try to identify the fungus yourself and instead bring your dogs in for treatment.

What are the Signs of Mushroom Poisoning in Dogs?

The symptoms of mushroom poisoning in dogs due to mushroom ingestion are determined by the type of mushroom he has consumed. Different mushrooms include different poisons that have varying effects on dogs.

Amanitins are the toxins in Amanita mushrooms. These cause severe GI sickness, a false recovery phase in which the dog appears to get better before returning to acute kidney injury, liver failure, and death.

Salivation, watering of the eyes, increased urination, stomatitis ( inflammation of the mouth), and neurologic symptoms are all signs associated with Inocybe spp. and Clitocybe dealbata mushrooms.

The false morel causes vomiting and diarrhea but is generally not deadly. Sedation, trembling, "walking drunk," and seizures are all signs of Amanita mushroom poisoning, while the other sorts induce sleepiness, tremors of the arms or legs.

Other types of mushrooms merely cause gastric distress, yet they are rarely fatal. While these are typically not deadly, recognizing the kind of mushroom that your dog has could be difficult in the beginning.

“What happens if a dog eats a mushroom?”

Here's a list of the most typical symptoms of mushroom poisoning in dogs:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Salivation
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Ataxia (staggering gait)
  • Coma
  • Seizures
  • Liver failure
  • Jaundice
  • Abdominal pain
  • Death

Schmid says,

‘Poisonous mushrooms are grouped into several different types; some only cause stomach upset. Others can cause liver or kidney failure, seizures, tremors, and hallucinations. Another group causes excessive drooling and urination, vomiting, diarrhea, and tearing from the eyes.’

Moreover, the intensity of mushroom toxicity also depends on the health conditions of your dog. If he has any underlying health concerns, then these symptoms could be severe and even deadly.

How to Treat Mushroom Poisoning in Dogs?

Mushroom poisoning in dogs and cats may be treated using a variety of veterinary treatments. The type of mushroom, the symptoms, and the timeframe during which your dog has eaten the mushroom will influence treatment choices.

Bring in a small sample of the mushroom that your dog has consumed to your veterinarian if you can obtain one.

This will help recognize the kind of mushroom and its poison, which will assist the vet in finding the best medicine and treatment for your dog.

If your pet ingested something recently, he or she may be induced to vomit by your veterinarian. In certain situations, drugs may be used to counteract the poison.

To maintain your dog's proper health and to manage the symptoms, supportive therapy will be provided.

In some circumstances, dogs may enter a non-fatal coma-like sleep and require monitoring till they awake. Activated charcoal is also administered in dogs to bind and minimize the effects of toxins.

Mushroom Poisoning - Common Treatment Options

Usually, to treat mushroom poisoning in dogs, a treatment method is chosen that is specifically designed to treat those symptoms and the level of toxicity.

Below are some common treatment options;

  • Activated Charcoal - Dogs who have ingested poisonous mushrooms could be treated with activated charcoal.

    It helps absorb the toxins from your dog’s stomach and prevent them from entering your dog’s bloodstream.

  • Vomiting - Once activated charcoal has been given to your dog, he must vomit to eliminate all the toxins. If your dog cannot vomit on his own, the vet may have to induce it.

    Hydrogen peroxide is an effective substance to induce vomiting in dogs. However, you must not try to administer any such thing yourself and let the vet do it for you.

  • IV Therapy - IV or intravenous therapy is unnecessary every time, but if your dog is dehydrated, he will need fluid therapy to recover.

  • Kidney and Liver Management - In case of severe toxicity, your dog may need kidney and liver management to deal with the toxicity.

    However, a minor surgical procedure may be needed in case of major damage. The same is the case with kidneys, and your dog may need dialysis if the damage is a lot.

  • Seizures Treatment - Sometimes, dogs may experience seizures as a result of consuming wild mushrooms. Usually, seizures are treated with the help of anticonvulsant medication such as phenobarbital and potassium bromide.

    However, do not try to treat your pup at home and take him to the vet.

Safety Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe

When it comes to protecting your dog from the danger of a hallucinogenic mushroom, experts advice following a few techniques.

Keeping track of your animal, particularly those who enjoy eating strange "treats" found on walks or on rambles in the yard, is a fantastic place to begin.

  • Inspect your yard properly for mushrooms.

    Make sure your yard is dog-proofed and free of all potentially harmful plants if your dog enjoys eating anything that looks appealing. If your yard appears to be 'infested' with mushrooms, make a proper schedule for cleaning it more frequently.

  • Keep an eye on your dog on walks or treks.

    Do you and your dog enjoy exploring the woods together? Keep an eye out for mushrooms sprouting in shady, damp areas where your dog likes to explore. When hiking, wearing a leash will help you keep your dog close so he doesn't venture too far away from you.

  • Learn about the most frequent mushrooms that may be ingested by your dog.

    If you live in a region where particular species of mushrooms appear regularly, Schmid advises that you contact an expert.

    There are Facebook groups and a page on the North American Mycological Association with contact information for local mycological societies.

    A college extension office, a greenhouse, or a gardening business may also help you in it.

  • Teach your dog to put down whatever she's holding in her mouth.

    According to Hinder, educating yourself begins and ends with you, but your dog's education should continue. "Teaching your dog the 'drop it' command may be life-saving when it comes to them putting something like a wild mushroom in their mouth," she adds.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can a dog eat mushrooms cooked?

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Yes, canines can safely eat cooked mushrooms, provided they do not have any added salt and other kinds of spices and additives.

Can dogs eat white mushrooms?

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Yes, dogs can safely eat white mushroom variety like white button mushrooms.

Are the white mushrooms in my yard poisonous to dogs?

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There is a high chance that the mushrooms growing in your yard are poisonous. While about 99% of them are non-toxic, there is still a possibility that the mushrooms could be toxic and deadly for your dog.

What do I do if my dog eats a mushroom in my yard?

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Some types of mushrooms are known for their nutrient-rich profile, while many types are not good and are even poisonous to both humans and dogs.

If your dog has eaten a mushroom in your home garden or yard, it is better that you contact the veterinarian to make sure it is not poisonous.

This includes both the mushrooms that you can and cannot identify. You must know if your dog has eaten a poisonous variety. In such a case, timely treatment can save your canine’s life.

Do mushrooms make dogs sick?

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Yes, some mushroom varieties can and do make dogs sick. If your dog has eaten mushrooms and you suspect that the consumed mushroom could be poisonous, consult your vet immediately.

Are garden mushrooms bad for my dogs?

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If you are a pet parent and a proud home garden owner, it is better to learn about mushrooms grown in gardens. This will help you identify the varieties that grow in gardens to know the kind of mushroom your dog has consumed.


Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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