Harper Jefcoat
Harper Jefcoat

The Last Bark To Save Your Dog With Bordetella Vaccine

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Bordetella Vaccine

On This Page

  • What is Kennel Cough?
  • What is Bordetella Vaccine?
  • How does Bordetella Vaccine Work?
  • Bordetella Vaccine Schedule
  • Bordetella Vaccine Reaction
  • Bordetella Vaccine Side Effects
  • Recommended Vaccination for Dogs
  • Bordetella Vaccine Cost
  • Does My Pet Cat also Need Bordetella Vaccine?

Do you take your dog to boarding facilities or public parks?

Have you noticed some strange symptoms in your pet dog?

If your answer is yes, then your dog may be at risk of a highly contagious disease - kennel cough.

To save your pet dog from this disease, it is recommended to get your dog vaccinated with the bordetella vaccine.

The Bordetella Vaccine can help protect your pup from kennel cough, pneumonia, and other respiratory diseases.

With a side effect of just an extra sneeze or two in some cases, it's easy to see why so many dog owners choose this vaccine over others on the market!

In this blog, we will discuss how to vaccinate your dog against this deadly disease and how you can protect yourself from contracting the disease if you're around them.

What is Kennel Cough?

Kennel cough is a contagious disease that can be spread through aerosol droplets, direct contact with other dogs, or by touching contaminated surfaces like food and water bowls. It is scientifically known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis.

Your dog may catch a cold from any surface it comes in contact with at areas where many dogs congregate. But they are most likely to get sick when around many dogs for long periods of time during work or volunteering.

Symptoms of Kennel Cough

A dog infected with the kennel cough virus will experience a loud, unmistakable honking-cough that dogs develop as they suffer from this ailment. Although other symptoms are similar to those of canine distemper and flu viruses, these do not prove fatal or dangerous as diseases can be for humans.

Several more signs such as runny noses/sneezes along with coughing spells accompanied by watery eyes & drooling mouths are also common during kennel cough.

However, call your vet just in case you think something else is wrong! Calling ahead will help protect your veterinarian's office from any potential spread of illness due to contagious animals who may already have it when walking through their doors.

Kennel Cough vs. Whooping Cough

Here is a difference between these two coughs.

Kennel Cough, also called canine infectious tracheobronchitis (CITB), is one type of dog-only illness with its own set of symptoms. It is a very contagious respiratory virus that can be contracted by dogs and humans alike.

It's important to take precautions like using sanitary wipes in order to keep the chance of contracting it low. Kennel cough vaccine is the only cure for this disease.


Only humans can suffer from a cough that is caused by a type of bacteria (pertussis toxin). It is often treated with vaccines. When people have this type of disease, it leads to intense coughing and hospitalization. Dogs do not get whooping cough!

It can be treated with antibiotics, but the best option for long-term prevention is vaccination. When it comes to diseases like Bordetella pertussis, we always want our loved ones protected, whether they are small babies or those without vaccinations of their own pet!

What is Bordetella Vaccine?

Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacterial infection that affects your dog's upper respiratory system. It causes coughing and illness, exposing them to secondary infections, though you probably won't hear any physicians telling you about it.

This disease goes by many names, kennel cough being the most common one. However, the bordetella vaccine will keep your pup safe from whatever they call it!

The canine Bordetella vaccine is a genius invention to protect dogs from infection caused by the bacterium, Bordetella bronchiseptica. This incredible product can be given to any dog that has an active social schedule, which includes:

  • Attending grooming appointments
  • Attending dog training classes
  • Attending dogs and cats shows
  • Visiting boarding facilities
  • Visiting dog parks
  • Staying at doggy daycare

How does Bordetella Vaccine Work?

Parainfluenza virus causes the little hairs (or cilia) inside a dog’s trachea to become paralyzed. Why is this so important? Well, these hairs are responsible for flicking bacteria upward and outward away from the lungs to help prevent respiratory disease.

But when those hairs can't work temporarily because of Parainfluenza Virus, Bordetella bacteria has an unobstructed path into the lung tissue, causing cough or other signs that show up in your pup!

To protect against the parainfluenza virus, you should look into vaccines with coverage against it as well! And your search for such a vaccine ends at Bordetella as it cures both parainfluenza and kennel cough.

Injectable version vs. Intranasal version of Bordetella Vaccination

As we have seen, there are many different ways to get the Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine. A nasal vaccine can be placed directly into the nose of a dog. It travels straight to the respiratory canal, where the disease begins.


This vaccination can also be injected into the dogs. Some dogs easily receive the injectable vaccine, while some dogs have fear towards the needles. To handle such dogs, you need a certified vet. It is also a fact that the injected vaccine is more effective than giving through the nasal canal.

Is there any pill for Brondetella that can be taken orally?

The new Bronchi-Shield Oral vaccine was recently approved by the USDA for use in dogs. The vaccine is effective at preventing dogs from canine infectious tracheobronchitis, also known as CIRD. Today, it's a good choice for dog owners to protect their pets against this harsh illness by giving them pills orally.

Manufactures of Bordetella Vaccine

Bordetella vaccine can be bought easily from any Petsmart or retail store such as Tractor supply. Some of the manufacturers of such vaccines are listed below:

Product TypeProduct NameManufacturerImmunes Against
OralRecombitekBoehringer IngelheimBordetella bronchiseptica
OralVanguard B OralZoetisBordetella bronchiseptica
OralBronchi-Shield OralElancoBordetella bronchiseptica
IntranasalBronchi-Shield IIIElancoBordetella bronchiseptica, Canine Parainfluenza Virus, Canine Adenovirus, Canine Adenovirus 1
IntranasalIntra-Trac 3Merck Animal HealthBordetella bronchiseptica, Canine Parainfluenza Virus, Canine Adenovirus 2
IntranasalVanguard B (IN)ZoetisBordetella bronchiseptica
InjectableBronchicine CAEZoetisBordetella bronchiseptica

After knowing the introductory detail about the Bordetella vaccine, you may now be curious to know how often the bordetella vaccine can be given to your pup? For this, read the next section.

Bordetella Vaccine Schedule

Have you always wanted to know when do puppies get the Bordetella vaccine? If so, keep on reading

  • Puppies Vaccination

    You have two options for vaccinating your pup, the intranasal Bordetella vaccine or the injectable Bordetella vaccine. The choice is yours!

    Some people prefer to use injection because it's more convenient, while others are concerned about side effects associated with vaccines given through a nasal passage, such as sneezing and runny nose for up to 12 hours after vaccination.

    Puppies can be vaccinated as early as 3 weeks of age with the intranasal vaccine (administered through the nose).

    A puppy needs a second dose of the Bordetella vaccine two to four weeks after the first one. Younger puppies need to get vaccines at six to eight weeks old and then another one between 10-12 weeks of age.

  • Adult Dog Vaccination

    The injectable vaccine should be given twice for an adult dog, with a gap week in between. The intranasal vaccine can be given once. This is to ensure that your dog has been properly immunized against disease both in its nose and with a needle.

    Adult dogs can get a shot every 6-12 months to boost their immune system. The risk decreases gradually until adulthood. So make sure your furry friend is ready for the vaccine after every 6 to 12 months.

Bordetella Vaccine Reaction

As a pet owner, you want to know what could happen after your cat or dog has the Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine. It is always possible for side effects and risks to happen.

That's why you need to be aware of these things before giving your furry best friend their shot! Common symptoms after getting vaccinated include:

If these symptoms prolong, do consult your vet!

Bordetella Vaccine Side Effects

Injected, nasal, and oral Bordetella vaccine side effects are the same. There is no difference in any. Some side effects of the vaccine include:

  • Injection Site Pain: The pain of the needle is momentary. Your dog may experience a little pain at the injection site. The throbbing will lessen and vanish without any interventions after some time has passed.
  • Sneezing or Reverse Sneezing: After the Bordetella vaccine, the nasal administration of this vaccination may cause your pup to experience a few minutes of loud, repetitive throat-clearing noises for some time afterward before they return to normal.
  • Loss of Appetite: When your furry friend seems a little off, it's important to be aware of the signs. Sluggishness and decrease in appetite are common side effects of subcutaneous vaccinations that should go away on their own for most dogs.

    If these symptoms persist or increase, contact your veterinarian immediately!

The Bordetella vaccination is not for every dog or cat. Dogs and cats that are sick, pregnant, young (under 5 months old), underweight (less than 2 pounds), or allergic to the vaccine must be thoroughly checked with their vet before receiving any of these vaccinations.

Recommended Vaccination for Dogs

Veterinarians agree that dogs should be vaccinated, but not all veterinarians agree on the methods. For example, some vets will recommend administering an injectable Bordetella vaccine to puppies and adult dogs.

In contrast, others would rather have them receive intranasal vaccines the first time around before giving later treatments of the same type for overall effectiveness.

When a dog is vaccinated, they are given immunity against the disease. But it's important for pet owners not to expose their dogs too much following the vaccination because this can disrupt or cancel out that protection.

5 days after being inoculated with a vaccine, it’s best practice to avoid other dogs who may carry the same illness

Bordetella Vaccine Cost

The Bordetella vaccine is a great way to protect your dog from this awful respiratory disease, but it can be pricey.

In most locations around the country, bordetella vaccine prices vary depending on whether you get an injectable or intranasal form of the vaccine and also based on average veterinary costs in different regions.

The vaccine against Bordetella ranges anywhere between $20 - $45 depending on how to administer Bordetella Vaccine (injectable vs. intranasal) and where in the country you are located.

Does My Pet Cat also Need Bordetella Vaccine?

In recent years, Bordetella bronchiseptica is a serious problem in young cats where it can cause severe lower respiratory tract disease. Several more symptoms can also include running nose, sneezing, cough with mild fever.

The vaccine is recommended for those at high risk of exposure such as kittens and pregnant females that live with many other felines.

You can give kittens a vaccine when they are 8 weeks old. If you have cats or kittens that are 16-weeks-old, you can give them one dose of the intranasal vaccine, and then in the future, you should only need to give them one booster shot every year.

The good news is that the kitten owners needn't worry about giving their little ones shots and needles because they can now immunize them against kennel cough using an effective but "painless" nasal spray.

Now that you know what Bordetella is and how it can impact your pet’s health, the decision to vaccinate or not should be much easier. Even though an emotional support animal stays home the most, they can also be eligible for the Bordetella vaccine.

If you think this vaccination might benefit your pup or feline friend, talk to your vet before making any decisions on vaccinations. They will also help determine which type of shot would suit them best!


Is the Bordetella vaccine necessary for dogs?

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Bordetella vaccine prevents dogs from many bacterial infections, including kennel cough. Every dog doesn’t need to get vaccinated. However, it is mandatory for dogs that have more social exposure.

How long is the oral Bordetella good for?

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Oral bordetella keeps the dog immune for 12 months. However, dogs can be given an injectable or nasal vaccine.

Can kennel cough harm humans also?

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There is no such study or strong evidence that proves kennel cough can harm humans. However, whooping cough is common in humans.

What happens if oral Bordetella is injected?

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Hepatotoxicity is a rare but serious complication of injections. You can prevent this by giving the dog oral antibiotics and liver protectants. Monitor their liver values and do tests for vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and anorexia.

Can Bordetella kill a dog?

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This disease in dogs is usually not deadly, but it can cause a lot of coughing. It can make them feel bad, but they will usually be okay afterward.

Harper Jefcoat


Harper Jefcoat

Harper Jefcoat is a dedicated pet enthusiast and esteemed author at RealESALetter.com. With a profound passion for animals, Harper combines extensive knowledge and personal experience to provide insightful and informative content. Specializing in canine behavior and wellness, he strives to empower pet owners with the tools and understanding they need to nurture and care for their furry friends effectively. Harper’s writings reflect his commitment to enhancing the lives of pets and their owners, making him a trusted voice in the pet community.

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